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ConceptSetKeys Fields

The ConceptSetKeys type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberActClass
Represents codes which are used to classify acts
Public fieldStatic memberActInterpretation
Represents codes which are used to represent clinical interpretations
Public fieldStatic memberActMood
Represents codes which are used to dictate the mood (mode) of an act
Public fieldStatic memberActParticipationType
Participations of entities in acts
Public fieldStatic memberActRelationshipType
Represents codes which are used to relate two acts together
Public fieldStatic memberActStatus
Represents codes which are used to dictate the status of an act
Public fieldStatic memberAddressComponentType
Represents codes which are used qualify the components of an address
Public fieldStatic memberAddressUse
Represents codes which are used to dictate the intentded use of an address
Public fieldStatic memberAdministrativeGenderCode
Represents codes which are used to classify the gender of an entity
Public fieldStatic memberAdverseEventActs
Acts which represent adverse events such as diagnosis of intolerances, etc.
Public fieldStatic memberAllergyIntoleranceTypes
Allergy and intolerance types
Public fieldStatic memberBodySiteOrSystem
Body site or system
Public fieldStatic memberConceptStatus
Represents codes which are used to classify the current state of a concept
Public fieldStatic memberContainerCap
Represents the container cap concept set.
Public fieldStatic memberContainerSeparatorTypeKeys
Represents the container separator concept set.
Public fieldStatic memberCountries
Country codes
Public fieldStatic memberCurrencies
Currency codes
Public fieldStatic memberEntityClass
Represents concepts which are used to classify entities
Public fieldStatic memberEntityDeterminer
Represents concepts which are used to classify entities
Public fieldStatic memberEntityRelationshipType
Represents concepts which are used to classify the manner in which entities are related to ne another.
Public fieldStatic memberEntityStatus
Represents concepts which are used to classify the current status of an entity
Public fieldStatic memberFamilyMember
Represents concepts which are entity relationships used by family members of entities
Public fieldStatic memberIndustryCode
Represents concepts which dictate a partcular industry in which an oganization operates
Public fieldStatic memberLanguageCodes
Language codes
Public fieldStatic memberNameUse
Represents concepts which classify the intended use of a name
Public fieldStatic memberNationality
Codes for capturing nationality (Canadian, Serbian, Saudi, etc.)
Public fieldStatic memberOrganizationTypes
Orgnaiztaion types
Public fieldStatic memberPlaceTypes
Orgnaiztaion types
Public fieldStatic memberProblemObservations
Reprsents concept which distinguish observations of problems or conditions
Public fieldStatic memberProcedureTechnique
Procedure techniques
Public fieldStatic memberServiceCode
Represents concepts which define services provided by organizations
Public fieldStatic memberTelecomAddressType
Represents concepts which identify the type of telecommunications equipment used
Public fieldStatic memberTelecomAddressUse
Represents concept which classify the intended use of a telecommunications address
Public fieldStatic memberVaccineTypeCodes
Represents concepts which classify vaccination types
Public fieldStatic memberVitalSigns
Represents concepts which distinguish observations as vital signs measurements
See Also