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ExtensionMethods Methods

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddManagedReferenceLinkT
Add a managed reference link between sourceObject and targetObject
Public methodStatic memberAppliesTo
Returns true if the job schedule applies at refDate given the lastRun
Public methodStatic memberCreateInjected
Create injected class
Public methodStatic memberFilterManagedReferenceLinksT
Public methodStatic memberGetApplicationProviderService
Get application provider service
Public methodStatic memberGetAssigningAuthorityService
Gets the assigning authority repository service.
Public methodStatic memberGetAuditService
Get the audit service.
Public methodStatic memberGetBusinessRulesServiceT
Gets the business rules service for a specific information model.
Public methodStatic memberGetConceptService
Get the concept service.
Public methodStatic memberGetNotificationService
Gets the INotificationService instance from context.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserId(IIdentity)
Gets the user identifier for a given identity.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserIdT(IIdentity)
Gets the user identifier for a given identity.
Public methodStatic memberIsRunning
Determine if the IJobState is running
Public methodStatic memberResolveManagedRecordT
Resolve the managed target wrapper for ResolveManagedRecord(T)
Public methodStatic memberResolveOwnedRecord(IdentifiedData, IPrincipal)
Public methodStatic memberResolveOwnedRecordT(T, IPrincipal)
Resolve the managed target wrapper for [!:IDataManagedLinkProvider<T>.ResolveOwnedRecord(T)]
Public methodStatic memberSetTimeout
Set timeout on me to millisecondTimeout
Public methodStatic memberToDictionaryIgnoringDuplicatesTSource, TKey(IEnumerableTSource, FuncTSource, TKey)
Public methodStatic memberToDictionaryIgnoringDuplicatesTSource, TKey, TElement(IEnumerableTSource, FuncTSource, TKey, FuncTSource, TElement)
Public methodStatic memberToPolicyInstance
Convert to policy instance
Public methodStatic memberTryDequeue
Tries to dequeue a message from the dispatcher queue. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
See Also