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EntityAddressPersistenceService Methods

The EntityAddressPersistenceService type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAppendOrderByStatement
Append order by statement
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Protected methodBeforeInsertDomainObject
Before inserting an instance
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Protected methodCacheConvert
Try conversion from cache otherwise map
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Public methodCount
Perform a count
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodCreateConnection
Creates the connection.
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodCreateReadonlyConnection
Create readonly connection
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodCurrentUserUuid
Get the current user UUID.
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFireInserted
Fire inserting event
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodFireInserting
Fire inserting event
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodFromModelInstance
Override model instance
(Overrides IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResultFromModelInstance(TModel, SQLiteDataContext).)
Public methodGet
Get the specified key.
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodGetFromSource
Get from source
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInsert(Object)
Insert the specified object
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodInsert(SQLiteDataContext, TData)
Performthe actual insert.
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodInsert(TData, TransactionMode, IPrincipal)
Insert the specified data.
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodInsertInternal
Insert the specified object
(Overrides IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResultInsertInternal(SQLiteDataContext, TModel).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodObsolete(Object)
Obsoletes the specified data
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodObsolete(SQLiteDataContext, TData)
Performs the actual obsoletion
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodObsolete(TData, TransactionMode, IPrincipal)
Obsolete the specified identified data
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodObsoleteInternal
Performs the actual obsoletion
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Public methodQuery(ExpressionFuncTData, Boolean, IPrincipal)
Query the specified data
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodQuery(SQLiteDataContext, ExpressionFuncTData, Boolean)
Query internal without caring about limiting
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodQuery(Expression, Int32, NullableInt32, Int32)
Query the specified object
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodQuery(ExpressionFuncTData, Boolean, Int32, NullableInt32, Int32, IPrincipal, ModelSortTData)
Query the specified data
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodQuery(ExpressionFuncTData, Boolean, Guid, Int32, NullableInt32, Int32, IPrincipal, ModelSortTData)
Perform a stored query
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodQuery(SQLiteDataContext, ExpressionFuncTData, Boolean, Guid, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, ModelSortTData)
Performs the actual query
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodQueryFast
Query the specified data
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodQueryInternal(SQLiteDataContext, ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32, Guid, Boolean, ModelSortTModel)
Performs the actual query
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Protected methodQueryInternal(SQLiteDataContext, String, IDictionaryString, Object, Int32, Int32, Int32, Guid, Boolean, ModelSortTModel)
Performs the actual query
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Public methodToModelInstance
Maps the data to a model instance
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdate(Object)
Update the specified object
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodUpdate(SQLiteDataContext, TData)
Perform the actual update.
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Public methodUpdate(TData, TransactionMode, IPrincipal)
Update the specified data
(Inherited from SQLitePersistenceServiceBaseTData.)
Protected methodUpdateAssociatedItemsTAssociation, TModelEx
Update associated version items
(Inherited from IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResult.)
Protected methodUpdateInternal
Update the entity name
(Overrides IdentifiedPersistenceServiceTModel, TDomain, TQueryResultUpdateInternal(SQLiteDataContext, TModel).)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodConvertTReturn
The purpose of this method is to convert object me to TReturn. Why? Because if you have an instance of Act that actually needs to be a SubstanceAdministration we can't just cast so we have to copy.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodGetInstanceOfTDomain
Gets an instance of TDomain from me
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)
See Also