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IIntegrationService Methods

The IIntegrationService type exposes the following members.

Public methodFind(Type, NameValueCollection, Int32, NullableInt32, IntegrationQueryOptions)
Find the specified filtered object
Public methodFindTModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean, Int32, NullableInt32, IntegrationQueryOptions)
Instructs the integration service to locate a specified object(s)
Public methodFindTModel(NameValueCollection, Int32, NullableInt32, IntegrationQueryOptions)
Find the specified filtered object
Public methodGet(Type, Guid, NullableGuid, IntegrationQueryOptions)
Instructs the integration service to retrieve the specified object
Public methodGetTModel(Guid, NullableGuid, IntegrationQueryOptions)
Gets a specified model.
Public methodInsert
Inserts specified data.
Public methodIsAvailable
Determines whether the network is available.
Public methodObsolete
Obsoletes specified data.
Public methodUpdate
Updates specified data.
See Also