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ExtensionMethods Methods

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddRangeT
Add itemsToAdd to me
Public methodStatic memberAggregate
Create aggregation functions
Public methodStatic memberAsResultSet(IEnumerable)
As result set
Public methodStatic memberAsResultSetTData(IEnumerableTData)
As result set
Public methodStatic memberBase32Encode
Encodes buffer as a Base32 string
Public methodStatic memberBase64UrlEncode
Convert to base 64
Public methodStatic memberConvertTReturn
The purpose of this method is to convert object me to TReturn. Why? Because if you have an instance of Act that actually needs to be a SubstanceAdministration we can't just cast so we have to copy.
Public methodStatic memberCopyObjectDataTObject(TObject, TObject)
Copy object data from one object instance to another
Public methodStatic memberCopyObjectDataTObject(TObject, TObject, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Update property data if required
Public methodStatic memberForEachT
For each item in an enumerable
Public methodStatic memberGetAllTypes
Get all types
Public methodStatic memberGetClassKeys
Get all allowed class keys for the specified type
Public methodStatic memberGetExportedTypesSafe
Safe method for loading exported types from assemblies where ReflectionTypeLoadException is thrown
Public methodStatic memberGetFullName
Gets the full name of the user entity.
Public methodStatic memberGetGenericMethod
Get generic method
Public methodStatic memberGetMember
Get member
Public methodStatic memberGetQueryName
Get the serialization name
Public methodStatic memberGetQueryProperty
Get a property based on XML property and/or serialization redirect and/or query parameter
Public methodStatic memberGetSanteDBPropertyAttributeType
Get the classifier property on type
Public methodStatic memberGetSerializationModelProperty
Gets the serialization runtime property
Public methodStatic memberGetSerializationName(PropertyInfo)
Get the serialization name
Public methodStatic memberGetSerializationName(Type)
Get the serialization type name
Public methodStatic memberGetSerializationRedirectProperty
Gets the serialization runtime property
Public methodStatic memberHasCustomAttribute(Type, Type)
Public methodStatic memberHasCustomAttributeTAttribute(Type)
Returns true if t has TAttribute
Public methodStatic memberHashCode
Compute a basic hash string
Public methodStatic memberHasProperty
Determines whether the specified property name has property.
Public methodStatic memberHexDecode
Decode encodedData to a byte array
Public methodStatic memberHexEncode
Convert a hex string to byte array
Public methodStatic memberImplements
Determine if me implements all of interfaces
Public methodStatic memberIsEnumerable
True if enumerable
Public methodStatic memberIsNullable
Determine if t is a nullable type
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrEmpty
Returns true if the IList is null or has no elements
Public methodStatic memberLoadCollectionTReturn(IAnnotatedResource, String, Boolean)
Delay load property
Public methodStatic memberLoadCollectionTSource, TReturn(TSource, ExpressionFuncTSource, IEnumerableTReturn, Boolean)
Load collection of TReturn from TSource
Public methodStatic memberLoadProperty(IAnnotatedResource, String, Boolean)
Delay load property
Public methodStatic memberLoadPropertyTReturn(IAnnotatedResource, String, Boolean)
Delay load property
Public methodStatic memberLoadPropertyTSource, TReturn(TSource, ExpressionFuncTSource, TReturn, Boolean)
Load collection of TReturn from TSource
Public methodStatic memberOrderByTData, TKey
Order result set
Public methodStatic memberOrderByDescendingTData, TKey
Order result set
Public methodStatic memberParseBase64UrlEncode
Parse base 64 encode
Public methodStatic memberSemanticCopyTObject
Update property data with data from fromEntities if the property is not semantically equal
Public methodStatic memberSemanticCopyFieldsTObject
Update property data with data from fromEntities if and only if the source property is null in the original toEntity
Public methodStatic memberSemanticCopyNullFieldsTObject
Update property data with data from fromEntities if the property is not semantically equal - only if the field on the inbound toEntity is null
Public methodStatic memberSemanticEqualsTEntity
Determine semantic equality of each item in me and other
Public methodStatic memberStripAssociatedItemSourcesTObject
Strips all version information from the specified object.
Public methodStatic memberStripGeneric
Strips list
Public methodStatic memberStripNullable
Strips any nullable typing.
Public methodStatic memberTransformResultSetTFrom, TTo
As a result set
Public methodStatic memberValidateTSourceType
Validates that this object has a target entity
Public methodStatic memberValue
Gets the value of a component of an EntityAddress with the given addressType.
Public methodStatic memberWasLoaded(IAnnotatedResource, String)
Returns true if the property has been loaded
Public methodStatic memberWasLoadedTSource, TReturn(TSource, ExpressionFuncTSource, TReturn)
Returns true if the property is loaded
See Also