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AmiServiceClient Methods

The AmiServiceClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodAcceptCertificateSigningRequest
Accepts a certificate signing request.
Public methodAddPolicy
Add policy policyOid to securable
Public methodAddUsersToRole
Add users to role
Public methodAssigningAuthority
Gets a specific assigning authority.
Public methodCreateApplet
Creates an applet.
Public methodCreateAppletSolution
Create applet solution
Public methodCreateApplication
Creates a security application.
Public methodCreateApplicationEntity
Create a device entity
Public methodCreateCodeSystem
Creates the code system.
Public methodCreateDevice
Creates a device in the IMS.
Public methodCreateDeviceEntity
Create a device entity
Public methodCreateExtensionType
Creates the type of the extension.
Public methodCreateIdentityDomain
Creates an assigning authority.
Public methodCreateMailMessage
Creates an alert message.
Public methodCreatePolicy
Creates a policy in the IMS.
Public methodCreateRole
Creates a role in the IMS.
Public methodCreateUser
Creates a user in the IMS.
Public methodDeleteApplet
Deletes an applet.
Public methodDeleteApplication
Deletes an application.
Public methodDeleteAssigningAuthority
Deletes an assigning authority.
Public methodDeleteCertificate
Deletes a specified certificate.
Public methodDeleteCodeSystem
Deletes the code system.
Public methodDeleteDevice
Deletes a device.
Public methodDeleteExtensionType
Deletes the type of the extension.
Public methodDeletePolicy
Deletes a security policy.
Public methodDeleteRole
Deletes a security role.
Public methodDeleteUser
Deletes a security user.
Public methodDispose
Dispose of any resources.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Dispose of any managed resources.
Public methodDownloadApplet
Downloads the applet.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindPolicy
Retrieves the specified role from the AMI
Public methodFindRole
Retrieves the specified role from the AMI
Public methodGetApplets
Gets a list of applets for a specific query.
Public methodGetAppletSolution
Get applet solution
Public methodGetAppletSolutions
Get all applet solutions from server
Public methodGetApplication
Gets a specific application.
Public methodGetApplicationEntities
Create a device entity
Public methodGetApplications
Gets a list applications for a specific query.
Public methodGetAudit
Retrieves an audit
Public methodGetAudits
Retrieves an audit
Public methodGetCertificateSigningRequest
Gets a certificate signing request.
Public methodGetCertificateSigningRequests
Gets a list of certificate signing requests.
Public methodGetCodeSystem
Gets the code system.
Public methodGetCodeSystems
Gets the code systems.
Public methodGetDevice
Gets a specific device.
Public methodGetDeviceEntities
Create a device entity
Public methodGetDevices
Gets a list of devices.
Public methodGetExtensionType
Gets the type of the extension.
Public methodGetExtensionTypes
Gets the extension types.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIdentityDomains
Gets a list of assigning authorities.
Public methodGetLog
Gets the specified log from the server
Public methodGetLogs
Get all logs
Public methodGetMailMessage
Gets a specific alert.
Public methodGetMailMessages
Gets a list of alerts.
Public methodGetPolicies
Retrieves a specified policy.
Public methodGetPolicy
Gets a specific policy.
Public methodGetProvenance
Get the specified provenance object
Public methodGetRole(Guid)
Gets a specific role.
Public methodGetRole(String)
Gets a specific role.
Public methodGetRoles
Retrieves a specified role.
Public methodGetServerDiagnoticReport
Gets a diagnostic alert.
Public methodGetSubscriptionDefinition
Public methodGetSubscriptionDefinitions
Gets a list of subscriptions.
Public methodGetTwoFactorMechanisms
Gets a list of two-factor mechanisms
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUser
Gets a specific user.
Public methodGetUsers
Retrieves a specified user.
Public methodIsUserInRole
Returns true if userName is in roleName
Public methodLockUser
Lock user
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodObsoleteAppletSolution
Obsoletes the applet solution
Public methodOptions
Gets the options for the AMI.
Public methodPing
Perform a ping
Public methodQueryTModel
Perform a query
Public methodRemoveUsersFromRole
Remove users from role
Public methodStatUpdate
Stats the update via a HEAD command
Public methodSubmitAudit(AuditEventData)
Submits a diagnostic report.
Public methodSubmitAudit(AuditSubmission)
Submits a diagnostic report.
Public methodSubmitCertificateSigningRequest
Submits a certificate signing request to the AMI.
Public methodSubmitDiagnosticReport
Submits a diagnostic report.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlockUser
Unlock user
Public methodUpdateApplet
Updates an applet.
Public methodUpdateAppletSolution
Update applet solution
Public methodUpdateApplication
Updates an application.
Public methodUpdateApplicationEntity
Create a device entity
Public methodUpdateAssigningAuthority
Updates an assigning authority.
Public methodUpdateCodeSystem
Updates the code system.
Public methodUpdateDevice
Updates a device.
Public methodUpdateDeviceEntity
Create a device entity
Public methodUpdateExtensionType
Updates the type of the extension.
Public methodUpdateMailMessage
Updates an alert.
Public methodUpdateRole
Updates a role.
Public methodUpdateUser
Updates a user.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodConvertTReturn
The purpose of this method is to convert object me to TReturn. Why? Because if you have an instance of Act that actually needs to be a SubstanceAdministration we can't just cast so we have to copy.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
See Also