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DataContext Methods

The DataContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodAny(SqlStatement)
Represents the count function
Public methodAnyTModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean)
Returns only if only one result is available
Public methodBeginTransaction
Begin a transaction
Public methodClose
Close the connection however don't dispose
Public methodCount(SqlStatement)
Represents the count function
Public methodCountTModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean)
Returns only if only one result is available
Public methodCreateSqlStatementBuilder(SqlStatement)
Create sql statement
Public methodCreateSqlStatementBuilder(String, Object)
Create sql statement
Public methodDeleteTModel
Delete from the database
Public methodDeleteAll(Type, SqlStatement)
Delete from the database
Public methodDeleteAll(Type, LambdaExpression)
Update all
Public methodDeleteAllTModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean)
Delete from the database
Public methodDeleteAllTModel(SqlStatement)
Update all with specified Sql based statement
Public methodDispose
Dispose this object
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecQueryTModel
Executes the query against the database
Public methodExecuteNonQuery(SqlStatement)
Execute a non query
Public methodExecuteNonQuery(String, Object)
Execute the specified SQL
Public methodExecuteProcedureTModel
First or default returns only the first object or null if not found
Public methodExecuteScalarTReturn
Returns only if only one result is available
Public methodExists(Type, Guid)
Determines if modelKey of type type exists in the database
Public methodExistsTModel(TModel)
Determines if obj exists in the database
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFirstOrDefault(Type, SqlStatement)
First or default returns only the first object or null if not found
Public methodFirstOrDefaultTModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean)
First or default returns only the first object or null if not found
Public methodFirstOrDefaultTModel(SqlStatement)
First or default returns only the first object or null if not found
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetQueryBuilder
Query builder
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInsertTModel
Insert the specified object
Public methodInsertAllTModel
Bulk insert data
Public methodInsertOrUpdateTModel
Insert or update the specifed object
Public methodInsertOrUpdateAllTModel
Bulk insert data
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOpen
Open the connection to the database
Public methodOpenClonedContext
Opens a cloned context
Public methodQueryTModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean)
Execute the specified query
Public methodQueryTModel(SqlStatement)
Query using the specified statement
Public methodQueryTModel(String, Object)
Execute a stored procedure transposing the result set back to TModel
Public methodSingleOrDefaultTModel
Returns only if only one result is available
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateTModel
Updates the specified object
Public methodUpdateAll(Type, SqlStatement, LambdaExpression)
Update all data with specified where clause
Public methodUpdateAll(Type, LambdaExpression, LambdaExpression)
Update all
Public methodUpdateAllTModel(IEnumerableTModel)
Bulk update data
Public methodUpdateAllTModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean, ExpressionFuncTModel, Object)
Updates the specified object
Public methodUpdateAllTModel(IEnumerableTModel, FuncTModel, TModel)
Bulk update data
Public methodUpdateAllTModel(SqlStatement, ExpressionFuncTModel, Object)
Update all with specified Sql based statement
Public methodUpdateAllTModel, TUpdateModel(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean, ExpressionFuncTUpdateModel, Object)
Update all data matching whereExpression to updateStatements
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodConvertTReturn
The purpose of this method is to convert object me to TReturn. Why? Because if you have an instance of Act that actually needs to be a SubstanceAdministration we can't just cast so we have to copy.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodInstall
Install the specified object
(Defined by SqlFeatureUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsInstalled
Returns true if the migration has been installed
(Defined by SqlFeatureUtil.)
See Also