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SanteDB.Core.Model.Entities Namespace

Public classApplicationEntity
An associative entity which links a SecurityApplication to an Entity
Public classContainer
Represents a container.
Public classDeviceEntity
Represents a device entity
Public classEntity
Represents the base class of all entities (persons, places, things) in SanteDB
Public classEntityAddress
Entity address
Public classEntityAddressComponent
A single address component
Public classEntityName
Represents a name for an entity
Public classEntityNameComponent
Represents a name component which is bound to a name
Public classEntityRelationship
Represents an association between two entities
Public classEntityTelecomAddress
Represents an entity telecom address
Public classGenericComponentValuesTBoundModel
A generic class representing components of a larger item (i.e. address, name, etc);
Public classManufacturedMaterial
Represents a material which is manufactured by a particular organization or company.
Public classMaterial
Represents a material which describes a type of material (i.e. scapel, antigen, etc.) and serves as a base class for manufactured materials
Public classNonPersonLivingSubject
Represents an entity which is alive, but not a person
Public classOrganization
Organization entity
Public classPerson
Represents an entity which is a person
Public classPersonLanguageCommunication
Represents a single preferred communication method for the entity
Public classPlace
An entity which is a place where healthcare services are delivered
Public classPlaceService
Represents a service for a place
Public classUserEntity
Represents a user entity