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SanteDB.Core.Security.Services Namespace

Public classAuthenticatedEventArgs
Authentication event args.
Public classAuthenticatingEventArgs
Authenticating event arguments.
Public classSecurityOverrideEventArgs
Override event args
Public interfaceIApplicationIdentityProviderService
Represents a service which retrieves IApplicationIdentity and can authenticate to an IPrincipal for applications.
Public interfaceIDeviceIdentityProviderService
Represents a service which retrieves IDeviceIdentity and can authenticate to an IPrincipal for devices.
Public interfaceIElevatableIdentityProviderService Obsolete.
Represents an identity provider that allows for elevation
Public interfaceIIdentityProviderService
Identity provider service
Public interfaceIPasswordHashingService
Password hashing service.
Public interfaceIPasswordValidatorService
Represents a password validation service
Public interfaceIPolicyDecisionService
Represents a policy decision service
Public interfaceIPolicyEnforcementService
Represents a PEP that receives demands
Public interfaceIPolicyInformationService
Represents a contract for a policy information service
Public interfaceIRoleProviderService
Represents a service which is capableof retrieving roles
Public interfaceITwoFactorSecretGenerator
Identifies a class which can generate TFA secrets
Public enumerationAuthenticationMethod
Represents methods of authentication