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FileSystemQueueFeature Properties

The FileSystemQueueFeature type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration object which the feature wishes the configuration tool to render.
(Inherited from GenericServiceFeatureTService.)
Public propertyConfigurationType
Gets or sets the type of configuration section which this feature is expecting
(Overrides GenericServiceFeatureTServiceConfigurationType.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets a human readable description of the feature which can be shown on the user interface
(Inherited from GenericServiceFeatureTService.)
Public propertyFlags
Gets the flags for this feature (such as auto-configure, always apply configuration, etc.)
(Inherited from GenericServiceFeatureTService.)
Public propertyGroup
The group in which this feature belongs
(Overrides GenericServiceFeatureTServiceGroup.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the feature to show in the main configuration panel
(Inherited from GenericServiceFeatureTService.)
See Also