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ITargetedVersionedExtension Properties

The ITargetedVersionedExtension type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssociationTypeKey
Classification key (how the holder is related to the target)
(Inherited from ITargetedAssociation.)
Public propertyClassificationKey
Classification key (how the holder is related to the target)
(Inherited from ITargetedAssociation.)
Public propertyEffectiveVersionSequenceId
Effective version sequence
(Inherited from IVersionedAssociation.)
Public propertyKey
Gets the identifier for the entity
(Inherited from IIdentifiedEntity.)
Public propertyLoadState
Gets the load state of the entity
(Inherited from IIdentifiedEntity.)
Public propertyObsoleteVersionSequenceId
Obsolete version sequence
(Inherited from IVersionedAssociation.)
Public propertySourceEntity
Gets or sets the source entity
(Inherited from ISimpleAssociation.)
Public propertySourceEntityKey
Gets or sets the source entity key
(Inherited from ISimpleAssociation.)
Public propertySourceType
Get the source type of the association
(Inherited from ISimpleAssociation.)
Public propertyTargetEntity
The target entity object
(Inherited from ITargetedAssociation.)
Public propertyTargetEntityKey
The target (where the association points)
(Inherited from ITargetedAssociation.)
See Also