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QueryResult Properties

The DbPatientEncounterQueryResult type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActTime
Identifies the time that the act occurred
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyClassConceptUuid
Identifies the class concept
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyCreatedByUuid
Gets or sets the user that created the data
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyCreationTime
Gets or sets the creation time
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyDischargeDispositionUuid
Identifies the manner in which the patient was discharged
Public propertyHidden
Hidden column
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyIsNegated
True if negated
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the key (GUID) on the persistence item
(Inherited from DbIdentified.)
Public propertyMoodConceptUuid
Gets or sets the mood of the act
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyObsoletedByUuid
Obsoletion user
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyObsoletionTime
Gets or sets the time that the record was obsoleted
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyPreviousVersionKey
Gets or sets the version key.
(Inherited from DbVersionedData.)
Public propertyPreviousVersionUuid
Replace previous version uuid
(Inherited from DbVersionedData.)
Public propertyReasonConceptUuid
Gets or sets the reason concept
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyStartTime
Identifies the start time of the act
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyStatusConceptUuid
Gets or sets the status concept
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyStopTime
Identifies the stop time of the act
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyTemplateUuid
Gets or sets the template
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyTypeConceptUuid
Gets or sets the type concept
(Inherited from DbAct.)
Public propertyUpdatedByUuid
Gets or sets the updated by identifier.
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyUpdatedTime
Gets or sets the updated time.
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyUuid
Gets or sets the universal identifier for the object
(Inherited from DbIdentified.)
Public propertyVersionKey
Gets or sets the version key.
(Inherited from DbVersionedData.)
Public propertyVersionSequenceId
The last known version sequence
(Inherited from DbVersionedData.)
Public propertyVersionUuid
Gets or sets the server version UUID, this is used to ensure that the version on a server equals the version here
(Inherited from DbVersionedData.)
See Also