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DbTemplateDefinition Properties

The DbTemplateDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreatedByUuid
Gets or sets the user that created the data
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyCreationTime
Gets or sets the creation time
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the key (GUID) on the persistence item
(Inherited from DbIdentified.)
Public propertyMnemonic
Gets the mnemonic
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the template
Public propertyObsoletedByUuid
Obsoletion user
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyObsoletionTime
Gets or sets the time that the record was obsoleted
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyOid
Gets the OID of the template
Public propertyUpdatedByUuid
Gets or sets the updated by identifier.
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyUpdatedTime
Gets or sets the updated time.
(Inherited from DbBaseData.)
Public propertyUuid
Gets or sets the universal identifier for the object
(Inherited from DbIdentified.)
See Also