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OutboundAdminQueueEntry Properties

The OutboundAdminQueueEntry type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreationTime
Creation time of the queue item
(Inherited from SynchronizationQueueEntry.)
Public propertyData
Gets or sets the actual data object
(Inherited from SynchronizationQueueEntry.)
Public propertyDataFileKey
Gets or sets the serialized data which is to be sent to the service (XML)
(Inherited from SynchronizationQueueEntry.)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the identifier.
(Inherited from SynchronizationQueueEntry.)
Public propertyIsRetry
Identifies whether the queue item is a retry
(Inherited from SynchronizationQueueEntry.)
Public propertyOperation
Gets or sets the operation.
(Inherited from SynchronizationQueueEntry.)
Public propertyRetryCount
Indicates the fail count
(Inherited from OutboundQueueEntry.)
Public propertyType
Gets or sets the model type
(Inherited from SynchronizationQueueEntry.)
See Also