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DetectedIssueKeys Class

Common detected issue type keys
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.BusinessRules
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Api (in SanteDB.Core.Api.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public static class DetectedIssueKeys

The DetectedIssueKeys type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAlreadyDoneIssue
The action being executed was already performed, or does not need to be redone
Public fieldStatic memberBusinessRuleViolationIssue
The detected issue was raised because of a custom business rule violaton.
Public fieldStatic memberCodificationIssue
The detected issue represents the inappropriate use of a code in a field
Public fieldStatic memberFormalConstraintIssue
The detected issue represents a formal constraint issues such as assignment of an inappropriate object type to a relationship
Public fieldStatic memberInvalidDataIssue
The action which was requested to be done had an invalid data element provided (example: last menstrual period for a male)
Public fieldStatic memberOtherIssue
The detected issue represents some other, unclassified violation
Public fieldStatic memberPrivacyIssue
The detected issue is a patient privacy issue
Public fieldStatic memberSafetyConcernIssue
The issue is being raised because the original action would raise a concern for patient safety
Public fieldStatic memberSecurityIssue
The detected issue represents a security issue such as password reset violation, inappropriate access, etc.
This class holds readonly UUIDs (constants) for the built-in detected issue types in SanteDB.
See Also