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IFeature Interface

Defines a feature in the context of the configuration tooling

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.Configuration
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Api (in SanteDB.Core.Api.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public interface IFeature

The IFeature type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration object which the feature wishes the configuration tool to render.
Public propertyConfigurationType
Gets or sets the type of configuration section which this feature is expecting
Public propertyDescription
Gets a human readable description of the feature which can be shown on the user interface
Public propertyFlags
Gets the flags for this feature (such as auto-configure, always apply configuration, etc.)
Public propertyGroup
The group in which this feature belongs
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the feature to show in the main configuration panel
Public methodCreateInstallTasks
Creates one or more IConfigurationTask instances which can be executed to setup the feature
Public methodCreateUninstallTasks
Creates one or more IConfigurationTask instances which can be executed to remove the feature from SanteDB
Public methodQueryState
Query the status of the feature in configuration

The configuration tooling in SanteDB exposes a list of grouped "features" which can be configured using the SanteDB configuration tool. Each feature defines a configuration object which the configuration tooling uses to render a property grid (allowing users to change the values of the setting). When the configuration is applied, the feature is instructed to create either installation tasks or un-installation tasks

Each IConfigurationTask created for install or un-install is responsible for changing the configuration file, the host operating system, or any other steps necessary to enable to remove the feature from the SanteDB instance.

See Also