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ActParticipationKey Class

Represents the participation concepts which an entity can participate in an act
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.Model.Constants
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Model (in SanteDB.Core.Model.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public static class ActParticipationKey

The ActParticipationKey type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAdmitter
The player entity was the person who was responsible for admitting the patient into a facility or care scenario.
Public fieldStatic memberAttender
The player entity represents the attending physician for the patient
Public fieldStatic memberAuthenticator
The player entity represents an entity which authenticates the provision of care
Public fieldStatic memberAuthororiginator
The player entity is responsible for the creation of data described in the act
Public fieldStatic memberBaby
The player is a resultant person in that it was the baby
Public fieldStatic memberBeneficiary
The player is a beneficiary of the act such a receiver of a financial instrument, or other good
Public fieldStatic memberCallbackContact
The player entity represents something that should be contacted upon completion of the act
Public fieldStatic memberCausativeAgent
The player entity is an agent which caused the act to occur
Public fieldStatic memberConsultant
The player entity is acting as a consult to the carrying out of the act
Public fieldStatic memberConsumable
The player entity was or is to be consumed during the process of carrying out the act.
Public fieldStatic memberCoverageTarget
The player entity represents the target coverage entity of the act
Public fieldStatic memberCustodian
The player entity is the data custodian of the act (is responsible for storing and securing the act)
Public fieldStatic memberDataEnterer
The player entity represents the person or device which phisically entered the data at the terminal
Public fieldStatic memberDestination
The player etity represents the ultimate destination of the goods/materials/services described in the act
Public fieldStatic memberDevice
The player entity represents the device on which the act or data from the act was acquired or recorded
Public fieldStatic memberDirectTarget
The player entity represents the directed target of care provided in the act
Public fieldStatic memberDischarger
The player entity represents the person who is responsible for the discharging of the patient from an encounter
Public fieldStatic memberDistributor
The player entity is the source distribution point for the financial or material instruments contained in the message
Public fieldStatic memberDonor
The player entity represents the donor of tissue or materials used in the act
Public fieldStatic memberEntryLocation
The location where the act was entered.
Public fieldStatic memberEscort
The player entity was responsible for escorting the patient during the course of the act
Public fieldStatic memberExposure
The player entity something to which the patient was exposed
Public fieldStatic memberExposureAgent
The player entity represents the agent (material) to which the patient was exposed
Public fieldStatic memberExposureSource
The player entity describes the source of the material to which the patient was exposed
Public fieldStatic memberExposureTarget
The player entity describes the target to which the agent was exposed
Public fieldStatic memberGuarantorParty
The player represents a party which is used as a financial guarantor for payment in the carrying out of the act
Public fieldStatic memberHolder
The player is responsible for holding the act
Public fieldStatic memberIndirectTarget
The entity not directly present in the act but which will be the focust of th act.
Public fieldStatic memberInformant
The player was a person or device which informed data presented in the act. (Example: A mother telling a nurse that their child had a reaction)
Public fieldStatic memberInformationRecipient
The player entity represents something that should be cc'ed on the act
Public fieldStatic memberLegalAuthenticator
The player entity is responsible for legally authenticating the content of the act
Public fieldStatic memberLocation
The location where the service was performed.
Public fieldStatic memberNonreuseableDevice
The player represents a consumable that can no longer be used
Public fieldStatic memberOrigin
The player represents the origin of the act
Public fieldStatic memberParticipation
The player entity participates in the act in no particular classification
Public fieldStatic memberPerformer
The player entity is responsible for performing the clinical steps documented in the act
Public fieldStatic memberPrimaryInformationRecipient
The player entity represents a high priority contact which should be informed or cc'ed on the act
Public fieldStatic memberPrimaryPerformer
The player entity was the primary performer of the act. This is used in procedures where more than one performer is present
Public fieldStatic memberProduct
The player represents a product that is not necessarily consumed but informs the act
Public fieldStatic memberReceiver
The player represents the entity which is the intended receiver of the act
Public fieldStatic memberRecordTarget
The player represents the entity to which the act is recorded against
Public fieldStatic memberReferredBy
The player represents the entity which referred the act or caused the act to be undertaken
Public fieldStatic memberReferredTo
The player entity represents the entity which was referred to
Public fieldStatic memberReferrer
The player entity represents the person who was originally the referrer.
Public fieldStatic memberRemote
The player entity represents a remote portion of the act
Public fieldStatic memberResponsibleParty
The player entity is ultimately responsible for the carrying out of the act
Public fieldStatic memberReusableDevice
The player entity represents a device which can be reused in future acts
Public fieldStatic memberSecondaryPerformer
The secondary performing person (support clinician).
Public fieldStatic memberSpecimen
The player entity represents a specimen collected for the purpose of testing and diagnosis
Public fieldStatic memberSubject
The player entity is the subject of an act, but not necessarily the record target (meaning the act is about a particular entity but not to be attached to their record)
Public fieldStatic memberTracker
The player entity is responsible for tracking the progress of the act
Public fieldStatic memberTranscriber
The person who transcribed data from the original act.
Public fieldStatic memberUgentNotificationContact
The player entity represents a contact entity in case of an emergency occurs during the act.
Public fieldStatic memberVerifier
The player entity was responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data in the act
Public fieldStatic memberVia
The player entity represents an entity where the act occurred "via" this entity (i.e. in transport)
Public fieldStatic memberWitness
The player entity represents a legal witness to the act occurring.
See Also