Class: Material


new Material(copyData)

Represents a material which describes a type of material (i.e. scapel, antigen, etc.) and serves as a base class for manufactured materials

In SanteDB, a Material represents the base class for kinds and instances of materials which may or may not be manufactured by a manufacturer
Name Type Description
copyData Material Copy constructor (if present)
Name Type Description
expiryDate Date Gets or sets the expiry date of the material
formConceptModel Concept [Delay loaded from formConcept], Gets or sets the concept which dictates the form of the material (solid, liquid, capsule, injection, etc.)
formConcept string Gets or sets the form concept's key
isAdministrable boolean True if the material is simply administrative
quantity number The base quantity of the object in the units. This differs from quantity on the relationship which is a /per ...
quantityConceptModel Concept [Delay loaded from quantityConcept], Gets or sets the concept which dictates the unit of measure for a single instance of this entity
quantityConcept string Gets or sets the quantity concept ref
address object Gets a list of all addresses associated with the entity
Name Type Description
Alphabetic EntityAddress Represents an alphabetic address used for matching
BadAddress EntityAddress Represents a bad address, i.e. an address which is old or invalid.
Direct EntityAddress Represents a workplace address that reaches the person directly without intermediaries.
HomeAddress EntityAddress The home address
Ideographic EntityAddress Represents an address expressed in an ideographic manner (example: Kanji)
Phonetic EntityAddress Represents an address expressed as a phonetic spelling of an ideographic address
PhysicalVisit EntityAddress The address is a physical place where visits should occur
PostalAddress EntityAddress The address is a postal address used for the delivery of mail and materials
PrimaryHome EntityAddress Represents a primary address to reach a contact after business hours.
Public EntityAddress Represents an address that is a standard address that may be subject to a switchboard or operator prior to reaching the intended entity.
Soundex EntityAddress Represents an address used for soundex matching purposes.
Syllabic EntityAddress Represents a syllabic address.
TemporaryAddress EntityAddress Represents a temporary address that may be good for visiting or mailing.
VacationHome EntityAddress Represents a vacation home to reach a person while on vacation.
WorkPlace EntityAddress Represents an office address, should be used for business communications
$other EntityAddress Unclassified
classConceptModel Concept [Delay loaded from classConcept], Class concept datal load property
classConcept string Class concept(see: EntityClassKeys for values)
creationActModel Act [Delay loaded from creationAct], Creation act reference
creationAct string Creation act reference
determinerConceptModel Concept [Delay loaded from determinerConcept], Determiner concept
determinerConcept string Determiner concept(see: DeterminerKeys for values)
extension object Gets a list of all extensions associated with the entity
Name Type Description
classifier Array.<byte> where classifier is from Extension extensionType
identifier object Gets the identifiers associated with this entity
Name Type Description
classifier EntityIdentifier where classifier is from IdentifierBase domain
name object Gets a list of all names associated with the entity
Name Type Description
Alphabetic EntityName The name used is an alphabetic representation of the name (ex: romaji in Japanese)
Anonymous EntityName The name is an anonymous name for the object (not the real name but a name used for care delivery)
Artist EntityName The name represents an artist name or stage name
Assigned EntityName The name represents an assigned name (given or bestowed by an authority)
Ideographic EntityName THe name represents an ideographic representation of the name
Indigenous EntityName The name is an indigenous name or tribal name for the patient
Legal EntityName The name represents the current legal name of an object (such as a corporate name)
License EntityName The name represents a name as displayed on a license or known to a license authority
MaidenName EntityName THe name is a maiden name (name of a patient before marriage)
OfficialRecord EntityName The name as it appears on an official record
Phonetic EntityName The name represents a phonetic representation of a name such as a SOUNDEX code
Pseudonym EntityName The name is a pseudonym for the object or an synonym name
Religious EntityName The name is to be used for religious purposes (such as baptismal name)
Search EntityName The name is to be used in the performing of matches only
Soundex EntityName The name represents the computed soundex code of a name
Syllabic EntityName The name represents a syllabic name.
$other EntityName Unclassified
note EntityNote Gets a list of all notes associated with the entity
participation object Gets the acts in which this entity participates
Name Type Description
Admitter ActParticipation The player entity was the person who was responsible for admitting the patient into a facility or care scenario.
Attender ActParticipation The player entity represents the attending physician for the patient
Authenticator ActParticipation The player entity represents an entity which authenticates the provision of care
Authororiginator ActParticipation The player entity is responsible for the creation of data described in the act
Baby ActParticipation The player is a resultant person in that it was the baby
Beneficiary ActParticipation The player is a beneficiary of the act such a receiver of a financial instrument, or other good
CallbackContact ActParticipation The player entity represents something that should be contacted upon completion of the act
CausativeAgent ActParticipation The player entity is an agent which caused the act to occur
Consultant ActParticipation The player entity is acting as a consult to the carrying out of the act
Consumable ActParticipation The player entity was or is to be consumed during the process of carrying out the act.
CoverageTarget ActParticipation The player entity represents the target coverage entity of the act
Custodian ActParticipation The player entity is the data custodian of the act (is responsible for storing and securing the act)
DataEnterer ActParticipation The player entity represents the person or device which phisically entered the data at the terminal
Destination ActParticipation The player etity represents the ultimate destination of the goods/materials/services described in the act
Device ActParticipation The player entity represents the device on which the act or data from the act was acquired or recorded
DirectTarget ActParticipation The player entity represents the directed target of care provided in the act
Discharger ActParticipation The player entity represents the person who is responsible for the discharging of the patient from an encounter
Distributor ActParticipation The player entity is the source distribution point for the financial or material instruments contained in the message
Donor ActParticipation The player entity represents the donor of tissue or materials used in the act
EntryLocation ActParticipation The location where the act was entered.
Escort ActParticipation The player entity was responsible for escorting the patient during the course of the act
Exposure ActParticipation The player entity something to which the patient was exposed
ExposureAgent ActParticipation The player entity represents the agent (material) to which the patient was exposed
ExposureSource ActParticipation The player entity describes the source of the material to which the patient was exposed
ExposureTarget ActParticipation The player entity describes the target to which the agent was exposed
GuarantorParty ActParticipation The player represents a party which is used as a financial guarantor for payment in the carrying out of the act
Holder ActParticipation The player is responsible for holding the act
IndirectTarget ActParticipation The entity not directly present in the act but which will be the focust of th act.
Informant ActParticipation The player was a person or device which informed data presented in the act. (Example: A mother telling a nurse that their child had a reaction)
InformationRecipient ActParticipation The player entity represents something that should be cc'ed on the act
LegalAuthenticator ActParticipation The player entity is responsible for legally authenticating the content of the act
Location ActParticipation The location where the service was performed.
NonreuseableDevice ActParticipation The player represents a consumable that can no longer be used
Origin ActParticipation The player represents the origin of the act
Participation ActParticipation The player entity participates in the act in no particular classification
Performer ActParticipation The player entity is responsible for performing the clinical steps documented in the act
PrimaryInformationRecipient ActParticipation The player entity represents a high priority contact which should be informed or cc'ed on the act
PrimaryPerformer ActParticipation The player entity was the primary performer of the act. This is used in procedures where more than one performer is present
Product ActParticipation The player represents a product that is not necessarily consumed but informs the act
Receiver ActParticipation The player represents the entity which is the intended receiver of the act
RecordTarget ActParticipation The player represents the entity to which the act is recorded against
ReferredBy ActParticipation The player represents the entity which referred the act or caused the act to be undertaken
ReferredTo ActParticipation The player entity represents the entity which was referred to
Referrer ActParticipation The player entity represents the person who was originally the referrer.
Remote ActParticipation The player entity represents a remote portion of the act
ResponsibleParty ActParticipation The player entity is ultimately responsible for the carrying out of the act
ReusableDevice ActParticipation The player entity represents a device which can be reused in future acts
SecondaryPerformer ActParticipation The secondary performing person (support clinician).
Specimen ActParticipation The player entity represents a specimen collected for the purpose of testing and diagnosis
Subject ActParticipation The player entity is the subject of an act, but not necessarily the record target (meaning the act is about a particular entity but not to be attached to their record)
Tracker ActParticipation The player entity is responsible for tracking the progress of the act
Transcriber ActParticipation The person who transcribed data from the original act.
UgentNotificationContact ActParticipation The player entity represents a contact entity in case of an emergency occurs during the act.
Verifier ActParticipation The player entity was responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data in the act
Via ActParticipation The player entity represents an entity where the act occurred "via" this entity (i.e. in transport)
Witness ActParticipation The player entity represents a legal witness to the act occurring.
$other ActParticipation Unclassified
relationship object Gets a list of all associated entities for this entity
Name Type Description
Access EntityRelationship The source entity gives access to the target entity
ActiveMoiety EntityRelationship Active ingredient, where not the ingredient substance (player), but itaTMs active moiety is the "basis of strength"
AdministerableMaterial EntityRelationship The source represents a meterial that is an administerable form of the target
AdoptedChild EntityRelationship The source is an adopted child of the target
AdoptedDaughter EntityRelationship The source is an adopted daughter of the target
AdoptedSon EntityRelationship The source is an adopted son of the target
Affiliate EntityRelationship The target has a business/professional relationship with the source.
Agent EntityRelationship The target is an agent or authorized to act on behalf of the source
Aliquot EntityRelationship The target is a portion of the original source
AssignedEntity EntityRelationship The target is an entity acting under role or assignment of the source
Aunt EntityRelationship The target is the aunt of the source
Birthplace EntityRelationship The target is the birthplace of the source
Brother EntityRelationship The target is the brother of the source
Brotherinlaw EntityRelationship The target is the brotherinlaw of the source
Caregiver EntityRelationship The target is the caregiver of the source
CaseSubject EntityRelationship The the target represents a case subject of the source entity (such as a study)
Child EntityRelationship The the target is a child of the child source
ChildInlaw EntityRelationship The child inlaw
Citizen EntityRelationship The target is a citizen of the source
Claimant EntityRelationship The target is a claimant or is making a claim in a policy (source)
ClinicalResearchInvestigator EntityRelationship The clinical research investigator
ClinicalResearchSponsor EntityRelationship The clinical research sponsor
CommissioningParty EntityRelationship The commissioning party
CommunityServiceDeliveryLocation EntityRelationship Community location which is used to provide services within holder
Contact EntityRelationship The target represents a contact of the source
Cousin EntityRelationship The cousin
CoverageSponsor EntityRelationship The target represents a coverage sponsor of the source
CoveredParty EntityRelationship The target is a covered party of a source (insurance policy)
Daughter EntityRelationship The daughter
DaughterInlaw EntityRelationship The daughter inlaw
DedicatedServiceDeliveryLocation EntityRelationship The target is the dedicated service delivery location for the source
Dependent EntityRelationship The target is a dependent of the source
DistributedMaterial EntityRelationship The target is a distributed or shippable material of the source
DomesticPartner EntityRelationship The domestic partner
EmergencyContact EntityRelationship The target is an emergency contact for the source
Employee EntityRelationship The the target is an employee of the source
ExposedEntity EntityRelationship The target represents a substance which is exposed when the source is exposed
FamilyMember EntityRelationship The family member
Father EntityRelationship The father
Fatherinlaw EntityRelationship The fatherinlaw
FosterChild EntityRelationship The foster child
FosterDaughter EntityRelationship The foster daughter
FosterSon EntityRelationship The foster son
Grandchild EntityRelationship The grandchild
Granddaughter EntityRelationship The granddaughter
Grandfather EntityRelationship The grandfather
Grandmother EntityRelationship The grandmother
Grandparent EntityRelationship The grandparent
Grandson EntityRelationship The grandson
GreatGrandfather EntityRelationship The great grandfather
GreatGrandmother EntityRelationship The great grandmother
GreatGrandparent EntityRelationship The great grandparent
Guarantor EntityRelationship The guarantor
GUARD EntityRelationship The guard
Guardian EntityRelationship The target is a guardian of the source
Halfbrother EntityRelationship The halfbrother
Halfsibling EntityRelationship The halfsibling
Halfsister EntityRelationship The halfsister
HealthcareProvider EntityRelationship The target is a healthcare provider for the source
HealthChart EntityRelationship The target represents a health chart belonging to the source
HeldEntity EntityRelationship The source holds the specified quantity of the target entity (the target entity is held by the source)
Husband EntityRelationship The husband
IdentifiedEntity EntityRelationship The target represents an entity for purposes of identification of the source
IncidentalServiceDeliveryLocation EntityRelationship The target represents an incidental service delivery location related to the source entity
Individual EntityRelationship The target represents an individual instance of the source
InvestigationSubject EntityRelationship The investigation subject
InvoicePayor EntityRelationship The target is the payor of an invoice for the source
Isolate EntityRelationship The isolate
LicensedEntity EntityRelationship The target represents an entity licensed to perform or use the source
MaintainedEntity EntityRelationship The target entity is maintained by the source entity
ManufacturedProduct EntityRelationship The target entity is a product which is manufactured by the source
MaternalAunt EntityRelationship The maternal aunt
MaternalCousin EntityRelationship The maternal cousin
MaternalGrandfather EntityRelationship The maternal grandfather
MaternalGrandmother EntityRelationship The maternal grandmother
MaternalGrandparent EntityRelationship The maternal grandparent
MaternalGreatgrandfather EntityRelationship The maternal greatgrandfather
MaternalGreatgrandmother EntityRelationship The maternal greatgrandmother
MaternalGreatgrandparent EntityRelationship The maternal greatgrandparent
MaternalUncle EntityRelationship The maternal uncle
MilitaryPerson EntityRelationship The military person
Mother EntityRelationship The target is the mother of the source
Motherinlaw EntityRelationship The motherinlaw
NamedInsured EntityRelationship The target is a named insured person on the source policy
NaturalBrother EntityRelationship The natural brother
NaturalChild EntityRelationship The natural child
NaturalDaughter EntityRelationship The natural daughter
NaturalFather EntityRelationship The natural father
NaturalFatherOfFetus EntityRelationship The target is the natural father of fetus of the identified fetus (source) or pregnant entity (source)
NaturalMother EntityRelationship The natural mother
NaturalParent EntityRelationship The natural parent
NaturalSibling EntityRelationship The natural sibling
NaturalSister EntityRelationship The natural sister
NaturalSon EntityRelationship The natural son
Nephew EntityRelationship The nephew
NextOfKin EntityRelationship The target is the next of kin for the source
Niece EntityRelationship The niece
NieceNephew EntityRelationship The niece nephew
NotaryPublic EntityRelationship The target is a notary public acting within the source entity
OwnedEntity EntityRelationship The target entity is owned by the source entity
Parent EntityRelationship The target entity is the parent of the source entity
ParentInlaw EntityRelationship The parent inlaw
Part EntityRelationship The target entity is a part of the source entity (source is comprised of parts)
PaternalAunt EntityRelationship The paternal aunt
PaternalCousin EntityRelationship The paternal cousin
PaternalGrandfather EntityRelationship The paternal grandfather
PaternalGrandmother EntityRelationship The paternal grandmother
PaternalGrandparent EntityRelationship The paternal grandparent
PaternalGreatgrandfather EntityRelationship The paternal greatgrandfather
PaternalGreatgrandmother EntityRelationship The paternal greatgrandmother
PaternalGreatgrandparent EntityRelationship The paternal greatgrandparent
PaternalUncle EntityRelationship The paternal uncle
Patient EntityRelationship The target is a patient of the source entity
Payee EntityRelationship The targert is a payee of the source entity
PersonalRelationship EntityRelationship The target possesses a personal relationship with the source entity
PlaceOfDeath EntityRelationship The target entity represents the place of death of the source entity
PolicyHolder EntityRelationship The target entity represents the policy holder of the source policy
ProgramEligible EntityRelationship The target is an entity which is eligible for funding or participation within a program
QualifiedEntity EntityRelationship The target represents a qualified version of the source entity
RegulatedProduct EntityRelationship The target represents a regulated version of the source product or represents a product which is regulated within the source jurisdiction
ResearchSubject EntityRelationship The target represents a research subject of the source study
RetailedMaterial EntityRelationship The target represents a material which is a retailed version of the source or is sold at the particular source
Roomate EntityRelationship The roomate
ServiceDeliveryLocation EntityRelationship The target represents a service delivery location for the source entity
Sibling EntityRelationship The sibling
SiblingInlaw EntityRelationship The sibling inlaw
SignificantOther EntityRelationship The significant other
SigningAuthorityOrOfficer EntityRelationship The target has signing authority or is an officer of the source
Sister EntityRelationship The sister
Sisterinlaw EntityRelationship The sisterinlaw
Son EntityRelationship The son
SonInlaw EntityRelationship The son inlaw
Specimen EntityRelationship The target represents a specimen collected from the source
Spouse EntityRelationship The spouse
Stepbrother EntityRelationship The stepbrother
StepChild EntityRelationship The step child
Stepdaughter EntityRelationship The stepdaughter
Stepfather EntityRelationship The stepfather
Stepmother EntityRelationship The stepmother
StepParent EntityRelationship The step parent
StepSibling EntityRelationship The step sibling
Stepsister EntityRelationship The stepsister
Stepson EntityRelationship The stepson
Student EntityRelationship The student
Subscriber EntityRelationship The target is a subscriber of the source, meaning the target should receive updates whenever the source changes
TerritoryOfAuthority EntityRelationship The target represents another territory where the source has authority
TherapeuticAgent EntityRelationship The target represents the theraputic agent of the source
Uncle EntityRelationship The uncle
Underwriter EntityRelationship The underwriter
UsedEntity EntityRelationship The target represents an entity that is consumed whenever the source is consumed
WarrantedProduct EntityRelationship The target represents a product which is warranted by the source
Wife EntityRelationship The wife
Replaces EntityRelationship The source replaces the target (note: this is one relationship where the role relationship is reveresed)
Instance EntityRelationship The target entity represents an instance of the scoper entity
LocatedEntity EntityRelationship Relates the target entity to a source location
Duplicate EntityRelationship Duplicate entity
Scoper EntityRelationship Duplicate entity
EquivalentEntity EntityRelationship Referenced entities
HasIngredient EntityRelationship The source entity has an ingredient represented by the target
HasContent EntityRelationship The source entity is comprised of the target. Note that this differs from PART in that content can be separated, parts cannot be separated
HasGenerialization EntityRelationship The source entity is a specialization of the target (i.e. the target is a more general entity kind than the source)
HasPart EntityRelationship The source entity is comprised of the target as a part (example: DTP vaccine kind has part Diptheria vaccine kind, Tetanus vaccine kind, and Pertussis vaccine kind)
ReportTarget EntityRelationship Extended SanteDB type for contained report flag
$other EntityRelationship Unclassified
statusConceptModel Concept [Delay loaded from statusConcept], Status concept id
statusConcept string Status concept id(see: StatusKeys for values)
tag object Gets a list of all tags associated with the entity
Name Type Description
classifier string where classifier is from Tag key
telecom object Gets a list of all telecommunications addresses associated with the entity
Name Type Description
PrimaryHome EntityTelecomAddress Primary home
AnsweringService EntityTelecomAddress answering service
EmergencyContact EntityTelecomAddress Emergency contact
MobileContact EntityTelecomAddress Mobile phone contact
Pager EntityTelecomAddress pager
Public EntityTelecomAddress public (800 number example) contact
TemporaryAddress EntityTelecomAddress temporary contact
WorkPlace EntityTelecomAddress For use in the workplace
$other EntityTelecomAddress Unclassified
template string Gets the template key
templateModel TemplateDefinition [Delay loaded from template], Gets or sets the template definition
typeConceptModel Concept [Delay loaded from typeConcept], Type concept identifier
typeConcept string Type concept identifier
policy SecurityPolicyInstance Gets or sets the security policy instances associated with the entity
geo GeoTag Gets or sets the geo tag
previousVersion string
version string
sequence Int64
creationTimeModel Date [Delay loaded from creationTime], Gets or sets the time at which the data was created
creationTime Date Gets or sets the creation time as an ISO date format
obsoletionTimeModel Date [Delay loaded from obsoletionTime], Gets or sets the time when the data is or will become invalid
obsoletionTime Date Gets or sets the time that the data is no longer valid (was deleted/obsoleted) in ISO format
createdByModel SecurityProvenance [Delay loaded from createdBy], Gets or sets the user that created this base data
modifiedOn Date Gets the time that the object was last modified (from base data, default to CreationTime)
obsoletedByModel SecurityProvenance [Delay loaded from obsoletedBy], Gets or sets the user that obsoleted this base data
createdBy string Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the creation of this object
obsoletedBy string Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the obsoletion of this data
id string Gets or sets the primary identifying UUID of this object
operation BatchOperationType Gets or sets the operation(see: BatchOperationType for values)
$type string Gets the type registration of this object


address :object

Gets a list of all addresses associated with the entity

  • object

classConcept :string

Class concept datal load property

  • string

classConceptModel :Concept


createdBy :string

Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the creation of this object

  • string

createdByModel :SecurityProvenance


creationAct :string

Creation act reference

  • string

creationActModel :Act


creationTime :Date

Gets or sets the creation time as an ISO date format

  • Date

creationTimeModel :Date

  • Date

determinerConcept :string

Determiner concept

  • string

determinerConceptModel :Concept


expiryDate :Date

Gets or sets the expiry date of the material

  • Date

extension :object

Gets a list of all extensions associated with the entity

  • object

formConcept :string

Gets or sets the concept which dictates the form of the material (solid, liquid, capsule, injection, etc.)

  • string

formConceptModel :Concept


geo :GeoTag

Gets or sets the geo tag


id :string

Gets or sets the primary identifying UUID of this object

  • string

identifier :object

Gets the identifiers associated with this entity

  • object

isAdministrable :boolean

True if the material is simply administrative

  • boolean

modifiedOn :Date

Gets the time that the object was last modified (from base data, default to CreationTime)

  • Date

name :object

Gets a list of all names associated with the entity

  • object

note :EntityNote

Gets a list of all notes associated with the entity


obsoletedBy :string

Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the obsoletion of this data

  • string

obsoletedByModel :SecurityProvenance


obsoletionTime :Date

Gets or sets the time that the data is no longer valid (was deleted/obsoleted) in ISO format

  • Date

obsoletionTimeModel :Date

  • Date

operation :BatchOperationType

Gets or sets the operation


participation :object

Gets the acts in which this entity participates

  • object

policy :SecurityPolicyInstance

Gets or sets the security policy instances associated with the entity


previousVersion :string

  • string

quantity :number

The base quantity of the object in the units. This differs from quantity on the relationship which is a /per ...

  • number

quantityConcept :string

Gets or sets the concept which dictates the unit of measure for a single instance of this entity

  • string

quantityConceptModel :Concept


relationship :object

Gets a list of all associated entities for this entity

  • object

sequence :Int64

  • Int64

statusConcept :string

Status concept id

  • string

statusConceptModel :Concept


tag :object

Gets a list of all tags associated with the entity

  • object

telecom :object

Gets a list of all telecommunications addresses associated with the entity

  • object

template :string

Gets or sets the template definition

  • string

templateModel :TemplateDefinition


typeConcept :string

Type concept identifier

  • string

typeConceptModel :Concept


version :string

  • string