

(constant) ActClassKeys :string

Represents a series of class keys for use on acts.

  • string
Name Type Description
Document string Document class key
DocumentSection string Document section class key
CarePlan string Care plan class key
AccountManagement string The act represents generic account management such as adjudications, financial adjustments, stock counting, etc.
Act string The act represents a generic act which has no special classification
Battery string The act represents a simple battery of procedures/administrations/tests/etc.
CareProvision string The act represents some provision of care such as the seeking out services.
Condition string The act represents a problem or condition which the patient is suffering from.
ControlAct string The control act event key is used to describe an infrastructural act which has no clinical meaning but can be used to wrap technical details.
Encounter string The act represents an encounter such as the patient presenting for care and receiving services during a visit.
Inform string The act represents an attempt to provide additional clinical information.
Observation string The act represents an observation that is made about a patient such as a vital sign, an allergy, cause of death, etc..
Procedure string The act represents a procedure (something done to a patient).
Registration string The act represents a registration event such as the registration of a patient.
SubstanceAdministration string The act represents that a substance (medication, or otherwise) was, should, or will be administered to the patient.
Supply string The act represents a supply of some material or financial instrument between entities.
Transport string The physical transporting of materials or people from one place to another.
Contract string Represents a contract
FinancialContract string Represents a financial contract
Account string Represents an account for tracking financial obligations
FinancialTransaction string Represents a single financial transaction
InvoiceElement string Represents a single invoice element
List string List

(constant) ActMoodKeys :string

Act Mood keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Appointment string The ACT represents an appointment that was made to do something
AppointmentRequest string The ACT represents a special type of request to create an appointment
Definition string The ACT represents a definition of a type of act
Eventoccurrence string The ACT represents something that has occurred
Goal string The ACT represents some sort of GOAL
Intent string The ACT represents an intent made by a human to do something
Promise string The ACT represents a promise to do something
Propose string The ACT represents a proposal that a human should do something
Request string The ACT represents a request to do something

(constant) ActParticipationKeys :string

Represents the participation concepts which an entity can participate in an act

  • string
Name Type Description
Admitter string The player entity was the person who was responsible for admitting the patient into a facility or care scenario.
Attender string The player entity represents the attending physician for the patient
Authenticator string The player entity represents an entity which authenticates the provision of care
Authororiginator string The player entity is responsible for the creation of data described in the act
Baby string The player is a resultant person in that it was the baby
Beneficiary string The player is a beneficiary of the act such a receiver of a financial instrument, or other good
CallbackContact string The player entity represents something that should be contacted upon completion of the act
CausativeAgent string The player entity is an agent which caused the act to occur
Consultant string The player entity is acting as a consult to the carrying out of the act
Consumable string The player entity was or is to be consumed during the process of carrying out the act.
CoverageTarget string The player entity represents the target coverage entity of the act
Custodian string The player entity is the data custodian of the act (is responsible for storing and securing the act)
DataEnterer string The player entity represents the person or device which phisically entered the data at the terminal
Destination string The player etity represents the ultimate destination of the goods/materials/services described in the act
Device string The player entity represents the device on which the act or data from the act was acquired or recorded
DirectTarget string The player entity represents the directed target of care provided in the act
Discharger string The player entity represents the person who is responsible for the discharging of the patient from an encounter
Distributor string The player entity is the source distribution point for the financial or material instruments contained in the message
Donor string The player entity represents the donor of tissue or materials used in the act
EntryLocation string The location where the act was entered.
Escort string The player entity was responsible for escorting the patient during the course of the act
Exposure string The player entity something to which the patient was exposed
ExposureAgent string The player entity represents the agent (material) to which the patient was exposed
ExposureSource string The player entity describes the source of the material to which the patient was exposed
ExposureTarget string The player entity describes the target to which the agent was exposed
GuarantorParty string The player represents a party which is used as a financial guarantor for payment in the carrying out of the act
Holder string The player is responsible for holding the act
IndirectTarget string The entity not directly present in the act but which will be the focust of th act.
Informant string The player was a person or device which informed data presented in the act. (Example: A mother telling a nurse that their child had a reaction)
InformationRecipient string The player entity represents something that should be cc'ed on the act
LegalAuthenticator string The player entity is responsible for legally authenticating the content of the act
Location string The location where the service was performed.
NonreuseableDevice string The player represents a consumable that can no longer be used
Origin string The player represents the origin of the act
Participation string The player entity participates in the act in no particular classification
Performer string The player entity is responsible for performing the clinical steps documented in the act
PrimaryInformationRecipient string The player entity represents a high priority contact which should be informed or cc'ed on the act
PrimaryPerformer string The player entity was the primary performer of the act. This is used in procedures where more than one performer is present
Product string The player represents a product that is not necessarily consumed but informs the act
Receiver string The player represents the entity which is the intended receiver of the act
RecordTarget string The player represents the entity to which the act is recorded against
ReferredBy string The player represents the entity which referred the act or caused the act to be undertaken
ReferredTo string The player entity represents the entity which was referred to
Referrer string The player entity represents the person who was originally the referrer.
Remote string The player entity represents a remote portion of the act
ResponsibleParty string The player entity is ultimately responsible for the carrying out of the act
ReusableDevice string The player entity represents a device which can be reused in future acts
SecondaryPerformer string The secondary performing person (support clinician).
Specimen string The player entity represents a specimen collected for the purpose of testing and diagnosis
Subject string The player entity is the subject of an act, but not necessarily the record target (meaning the act is about a particular entity but not to be attached to their record)
Tracker string The player entity is responsible for tracking the progress of the act
Transcriber string The person who transcribed data from the original act.
UgentNotificationContact string The player entity represents a contact entity in case of an emergency occurs during the act.
Verifier string The player entity was responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data in the act
Via string The player entity represents an entity where the act occurred "via" this entity (i.e. in transport)
Witness string The player entity represents a legal witness to the act occurring.

(constant) ActReasonKeys :string

Represents act reasons (reasons for an act)

  • string
Name Type Description
StartedTooLate string The patient started too late for the therapy
AllergyOrIntolerance string The patient is allergic or intolerant to the consumable
Expired string The vaccine or drug was expired
VaccineSafety string The vaccine was considered unsafe
ProfessionalJudgement string The vaccine was not performed per the professional judgement of the provider
ReligiousObjecton string The patient had a religious objection
PatientRefused string The patient refused the treatment
OutOfStock string There was insufficient stock to perform the action
Broken string The items are broken and can no longer be used to deliver care
ColdStorageFailure string There was a cold-storage failure which resulted in the material being unusable.

(constant) ActRelationshipTypeKeys :string

Act relationship types

  • string
Name Type Description
Appends string Indicates that the source act appends information contained in the target act
Arrival string Links the transortation act from another act
Departure string Links a transporation act from another act indicating departure of the subject
Documents string The source act documents the target act
EpisodeLink string Links two instances of the same act over time (example: chronic conditions)
Evaluates string Used to link a goal to an observation
Fulfills string Indicates that the source act fulfills the target act
HasAuthorization string Indicates that the target act authorizes the source act
HasComponent string Indicates that the target act is a component of the source act
HasControlVariable string Relationship from an act to one or more control variables (for example: device settings, or environment)
HasManifestation string The assertion that a new observation may be a manifestation of another
HasPrecondition string Indicates that the target act is a pre-condition of the source act
HasReason string Indicates a reasoning as to why the source act is occurring
HasReferenceValues string Indicates that the source act contains reference values from the target
HasSubject string Indicates the subject of a particular act (example: clinical act is a subject of a control act)
HasSupport string Indicates an existing act is suggesting evidence for a new observation.
IsCauseOf string Indicates that the source act is the cause of the target act
IsDerivedFrom string Indicates the source act is derived from information contained in the target act
IsExcerptOf string Indicates that the source act is an excerpt of the target act
RefersTo string Indicates that the source act refers to the target act
Replaces string The source act replaces the target act
StartsAfterStartOf string Indicates that the source act starts after the start of another act
Transforms string Indicates that the source act transforms the target act
Duplicate string Duplicate entity

(constant) ActionType :string

Represents types of action that was performed which resulted in the audit being created

  • string
Name Type Description
Create string Data was created in the system
CreateInt string
Read string Data was viewed, printed, displayed, etc...
ReadInt string
Update string Data was revised in the system
UpdateInt string
Delete string Data was removed from the system
DeleteInt string
Execute string A system, or application function was performed
ExecuteInt string

(constant) ActorTypeKeys :string

Represents user classification keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Application string Represents a user which is an application
HumanUser string Represents a user which is a human
System string Represents a user which is a system user
Device string Is a device user

(constant) AddressComponentKeys :string

Represents address component types

  • string
Name Type Description
AdditionalLocator string An additional locator (example: Beside the red barn).
AddressLine string An address line as would appear on an address (example: 123 Main Street West)
BuildingNumber string Identifies a particular building on a street (example: A23 Building)
BuildingNumberNumeric string Identifies a numeric identifier for a building (example: 123)
BuildingNumberSuffix string Identifies a suffix to the building number (example: 123 *SECTOR 7*)
CareOf string Identifies the person where deliveries should be care-of (example: c/o Bob Smith)
CensusTract string The census tract which is used for political counting of the census
City string The town or city (example: Toronto)
Country string The country in which the address resides (example: Canada)
County string The county or sub-division of a sub-national unit (example: Clark County)
Delimiter string Represents a meaningless delimiter such as dash, or newline
DeliveryAddressLine string Represents an address line to be used for delivery rather than physical location (example: Loading Dock #4)
DeliveryInstallationArea string Represents the area where the delivery should take place
DeliveryInstallationQualifier string The delivery installation qualifier.
DeliveryInstallationType string The delivery installation type.
DeliveryMode string The delivery mode.
DeliveryModeIdentifier string The delivery mode identifier.
Direction string Represents a directory such as north, south, east, or west
PostalCode string A codified adminsitrative unit used to locate the address (zip code or postal code)
PostBox string Represents a PO box where delivery of mail should take place
Precinct string Represents a precinct or sub-division of a city such as a burrogh
State string Represents a state or province, or a sub-division of a national boundary
StreetAddressLine string Represents a physical street delivery line (example: 123 Main Street West)
StreetName string Represents the name portion of a street address (example: Main St.)
StreetNameBase string The street name base portion of a street address (Example: Main)
StreetType string The street type (example: Street, Road, Hwy)
UnitDesignator string Identifies the type of unit (example: Suite, Apartment, Unit)
UnitIdentifier string The identifier of the unit (example: 820)
PlaceReference string The identifier in the address that points to another
Zone string Identifies the region or zone or division

(constant) AddressUseKeys :string

Address use keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Alphabetic string Represents an alphabetic address used for matching
BadAddress string Represents a bad address, i.e. an address which is old or invalid.
Direct string Represents a workplace address that reaches the person directly without intermediaries.
HomeAddress string The home address
Ideographic string Represents an address expressed in an ideographic manner (example: Kanji)
Phonetic string Represents an address expressed as a phonetic spelling of an ideographic address
PhysicalVisit string The address is a physical place where visits should occur
PostalAddress string The address is a postal address used for the delivery of mail and materials
PrimaryHome string Represents a primary address to reach a contact after business hours.
Public string Represents an address that is a standard address that may be subject to a switchboard or operator prior to reaching the intended entity.
Soundex string Represents an address used for soundex matching purposes.
Syllabic string Represents a syllabic address.
TemporaryAddress string Represents a temporary address that may be good for visiting or mailing.
VacationHome string Represents a vacation home to reach a person while on vacation.
WorkPlace string Represents an office address, should be used for business communications

(constant) AuditMetadataKey :string

Represents metadata keys

  • string
Name Type Description
PID string The metadata represents a patient identifier
PIDInt string
ProcessName string The object is a process name
ProcessNameInt string
RemoteHost string Identifies the remote host as an IP address
RemoteHostInt string
ForwardInformation string Identifies the remote endpoint
ForwardInformationInt string
LocalEndpoint string Identifies the local endpoint
LocalEndpointInt string
SubmissionTime string Identifies the time a batch was submitted
SubmissionTimeInt string
OriginalFormat string Identifies if an object was in original format
OriginalFormatInt string
SubmissionStatus string Identifies the status of the object
SubmissionStatusInt string
Priority string Identifies the priority of the object
PriorityInt string
Classification string Identifies the object classification
ClassificationInt string
SessionId string Identifies the object as a session identifier
SessionIdInt string
EnterpriseSiteID string Identifies the object as an enterprise site identifier
EnterpriseSiteIDInt string
AuditSourceID string Identifies the object's metadata as the source
AuditSourceIDInt string
AuditSourceType string Identifies the source type
AuditSourceTypeInt string
CorrelationToken string Allows the correlation of data between audits
CorrelationTokenInt string

(constant) AuditableObjectIdType :string

Classifies the type of identifier that a auditable object may have

  • string
Name Type Description
NotSpecified string
NotSpecifiedInt string
MedicalRecord string
MedicalRecordInt string
PatientNumber string
PatientNumberInt string
EncounterNumber string
EncounterNumberInt string
EnrolleeNumber string
EnrolleeNumberInt string
SocialSecurityNumber string
SocialSecurityNumberInt string
AccountNumber string
AccountNumberInt string
GuarantorNumber string
GuarantorNumberInt string
ReportName string
ReportNameInt string
ReportNumber string
ReportNumberInt string
SearchCritereon string
SearchCritereonInt string
UserIdentifier string
UserIdentifierInt string
Uri string
UriInt string
Custom string Custom code
CustomInt string

(constant) AuditableObjectLifecycle :string

Auditable object lifecycle indicates the lifecycle of the object when the audit was created

  • string
Name Type Description
NotSet string Not set
NotSetInt string
Creation string An object was created
CreationInt string
Import string An object was imported from an external source
ImportInt string
Amendment string An object was amended (updated)
AmendmentInt string
Verification string An object was verified
VerificationInt string
Translation string An object wsa transformed
TranslationInt string
Access string An object was accessed
AccessInt string
Deidentification string An object was de-identified
DeidentificationInt string
Aggregation string An object was aggregated with another group of objects
AggregationInt string
Report string An object was reported on
ReportInt string
Export string An object was exported to another system
ExportInt string
Disclosure string An object was disclosed to a user
DisclosureInt string
ReceiptOfDisclosure string The object was the receipt of a disclosure
ReceiptOfDisclosureInt string
Archiving string The object was archived
ArchivingInt string
LogicalDeletion string The object was obsoleted (logically deleted)
LogicalDeletionInt string
PermanentErasure string The object was perminently deleted
PermanentErasureInt string

(constant) AuditableObjectRole :string

Identifies roles of objects in the audit event

  • string
Name Type Description
Patient string
PatientInt string
Location string
LocationInt string
Report string
ReportInt string
Resource string
ResourceInt string
MasterFile string
MasterFileInt string
User string
UserInt string
List string
ListInt string
Doctor string
DoctorInt string
Subscriber string
SubscriberInt string
Guarantor string
GuarantorInt string
SecurityUser string
SecurityUserInt string
SecurityGroup string
SecurityGroupInt string
SecurityResource string
SecurityResourceInt string
SecurityGranularityDefinition string
SecurityGranularityDefinitionInt string
Provider string
ProviderInt string
DataDestination string
DataDestinationInt string
DataRepository string
DataRepositoryInt string
Schedule string
ScheduleInt string
Customer string
CustomerInt string
Job string
JobInt string
JobStream string
JobStreamInt string
Table string
TableInt string
RoutingCriteria string
RoutingCriteriaInt string
Query string
QueryInt string

(constant) AuditableObjectType :string

Identifies the type of auditable object for context

  • string
Name Type Description
NotSpecified string Not specified
NotSpecifiedInt string
Person string Represents a person.
PersonInt string
SystemObject string Represents a system object.
SystemObjectInt string
Organization string Represents an organization.
OrganizationInt string
Other string Represents an other object type.
OtherInt string

(constant) BatchOperationType :string

Batch operation type

  • string
Name Type Description
Auto string Automatically decide
AutoInt string
Insert string Insert the object only
InsertInt string
InsertOrUpdate string Insert the object or update it
InsertOrUpdateInt string
Update string Update the object only
UpdateInt string
Delete string Delete the object
DeleteInt string
Ignore string Ignore this object - it is for reference only
IgnoreInt string

(constant) CarePathwayEnrollmentMode :string

Enrolment mode

  • string
Name Type Description
Manual string Enrollment is manually performed
ManualInt string
Automatic string Patients are automatically enrolled if they meet the eligibility criteria
AutomaticInt string

(constant) CodeSystemKeys :string

Code system identifiers

  • string
Name Type Description
CVX string Commonn Vaccination Codes (CDC)
ICD10 string International Classification of Diseases Version 10
ICD10CM string International Classification of Diseases Version 10 - Clinical Management
ICD9 string International Classification of Diseases Version 9
ISO6391 string ISO-639-1 (Language Codes)
ISO6392 string ISO639-2 (3 letter Language Codes)
LOINC string Logical Observations Identifiers Names and Codes (maintained by Regenstrief Institute)
SNOMEDCT string Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms (maintained by IHTSDO)
UCUM string Universal Codes for the Unit Of Measure
PostalAddressUse string The postal address use code system key.
EntityNameUse string The entity name use code system key.
AdministrativeGender string The administrative gender code system key.

(constant) ConceptClassKeys :string

Concept classification identifiers for built-in concept classes

  • string
Name Type Description
ClassCode string Classification codes
Diagnosis string Diagnosis codes
Finding string Clinical findings
Form string Form codes (shape, texture, etc.)
Material string Material classifications
Mood string Mood classifications
Other string Other classifications
Problem string Problems or condition codes
Relationship string Relationship class identifier
Route string Routes of adminstration class identifier
Status string Status codes
Stock string Stock classification codes
UnitOfMeasure string Unit of measure classification
Language string Language codes

(constant) ConceptRelationshipTypeKeys :string

Reference type identifiers

  • string
Name Type Description
InverseOf string The source concept has the inverse meaning of the target concept
MemberOf string The source concept is a member of the target concept
NegationOf string The source concept is a negation of the target concept
SameAs string The source concept has the same meaning as the target concept
NarrowerThan string The source concept is narrower in meaning than the target
WiderThan string The source concept is wider in meaning than the target

(constant) ConceptSetCompositionOperation :string

Concept set reference role

  • string
Name Type Description
Include string Source Includes Target
IncludeInt string
Exclude string Source Excludes Target
ExcludeInt string

(constant) CurrencyKeys :string

Currency concepts

  • string
Name Type Description
AustralianDollar string Australian Dollar
CanadianDollar string Canadian Dollar
SwissFranc string Swiss Franc
YuanRenminbi string Chinese Yuan
Euro string Euros
PoundSterling string British Pound Sterling
Shekel string Israel Shekel
IndianRupee string Indian Rupee
Yen string Japanese Yen
Won string Korean Won
MexicanNuevoPeso string Mexican new Peso
NetherlandsGuilder string Guilders
NewZealandDollar string New Zealand Dollar
PhilippinePeso string Philippine Peso
RussianRuble string Russian Ruble
Baht string Thai Baht
Lira string Turkish Lira
TaiwanDollar string Taiwanese Dollar
USDollar string US Dollars
Rand string South African Rand

(constant) DatePrecision :string

Represents a date precision object

  • string
Name Type Description
Full string Represents full date precision.
FullInt string
Year string Represents year date precision.
YearInt string
Month string Represents month date precision.
MonthInt string
Day string Represents day date precision.
DayInt string
Hour string Represents hour date precision.
HourInt string
Minute string Represents minute date precision.
MinuteInt string
Second string Represents second date precision.
SecondInt string

(constant) DeterminerKeys :string

Determiner codes classify an entity into one of three categories.

  • string
Name Type Description
Described string Indicates the entity is not a particular instance of a thing, rather a type of thing
DescribedQualified string Indicates the entity is a type of thing that has been qualified further
Specific string Indicates the entity is a specific instance of a thing

(constant) EntityClassKeys :string

Entity class concept keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Animal string Animal
ChemicalSubstance string Chemical Substance
CityOrTown string City or town
Container string Container
Country string Country or nation
CountyOrParish string County or parish
Device string Device
Entity string Entity
Food string Food
LivingSubject string Living Subject
ManufacturedMaterial string Manufactured material
Material string Material
NonLivingSubject string Non living subject
Organization string Organization
Patient string Patient
Person string Person
Place string Place
Provider string Service delivery location
ServiceDeliveryLocation string Service delivery location
StateOrProvince string State
PrecinctOrBorough string Represents a precinct or sub-division of a city such as a burrogh
UserEntity string Represents a person which is a user in the system
ZoneOrTerritory string Represents a zone or a territority

(constant) EntityRelationshipTypeKeys :string

Base entity relationship type keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Access string The source entity gives access to the target entity
ActiveMoiety string Active ingredient, where not the ingredient substance (player), but itaTMs active moiety is the "basis of strength"
AdministerableMaterial string The source represents a meterial that is an administerable form of the target
AdoptedChild string The source is an adopted child of the target
AdoptedDaughter string The source is an adopted daughter of the target
AdoptedSon string The source is an adopted son of the target
Affiliate string The target has a business/professional relationship with the source.
Agent string The target is an agent or authorized to act on behalf of the source
Aliquot string The target is a portion of the original source
AssignedEntity string The target is an entity acting under role or assignment of the source
Aunt string The target is the aunt of the source
Birthplace string The target is the birthplace of the source
Brother string The target is the brother of the source
Brotherinlaw string The target is the brotherinlaw of the source
Caregiver string The target is the caregiver of the source
CaseSubject string The the target represents a case subject of the source entity (such as a study)
Child string The the target is a child of the child source
ChildInlaw string The child inlaw
Citizen string The target is a citizen of the source
Claimant string The target is a claimant or is making a claim in a policy (source)
ClinicalResearchInvestigator string The clinical research investigator
ClinicalResearchSponsor string The clinical research sponsor
CommissioningParty string The commissioning party
CommunityServiceDeliveryLocation string Community location which is used to provide services within holder
Contact string The target represents a contact of the source
Cousin string The cousin
CoverageSponsor string The target represents a coverage sponsor of the source
CoveredParty string The target is a covered party of a source (insurance policy)
Daughter string The daughter
DaughterInlaw string The daughter inlaw
DedicatedServiceDeliveryLocation string The target is the dedicated service delivery location for the source
Dependent string The target is a dependent of the source
DistributedMaterial string The target is a distributed or shippable material of the source
DomesticPartner string The domestic partner
EmergencyContact string The target is an emergency contact for the source
Employee string The the target is an employee of the source
ExposedEntity string The target represents a substance which is exposed when the source is exposed
FamilyMember string The family member
Father string The father
Fatherinlaw string The fatherinlaw
FosterChild string The foster child
FosterDaughter string The foster daughter
FosterSon string The foster son
Grandchild string The grandchild
Granddaughter string The granddaughter
Grandfather string The grandfather
Grandmother string The grandmother
Grandparent string The grandparent
Grandson string The grandson
GreatGrandfather string The great grandfather
GreatGrandmother string The great grandmother
GreatGrandparent string The great grandparent
Guarantor string The guarantor
GUARD string The guard
Guardian string The target is a guardian of the source
Halfbrother string The halfbrother
Halfsibling string The halfsibling
Halfsister string The halfsister
HealthcareProvider string The target is a healthcare provider for the source
HealthChart string The target represents a health chart belonging to the source
HeldEntity string The source holds the specified quantity of the target entity (the target entity is held by the source)
Husband string The husband
IdentifiedEntity string The target represents an entity for purposes of identification of the source
IncidentalServiceDeliveryLocation string The target represents an incidental service delivery location related to the source entity
Individual string The target represents an individual instance of the source
InvestigationSubject string The investigation subject
InvoicePayor string The target is the payor of an invoice for the source
Isolate string The isolate
LicensedEntity string The target represents an entity licensed to perform or use the source
MaintainedEntity string The target entity is maintained by the source entity
ManufacturedProduct string The target entity is a product which is manufactured by the source
MaternalAunt string The maternal aunt
MaternalCousin string The maternal cousin
MaternalGrandfather string The maternal grandfather
MaternalGrandmother string The maternal grandmother
MaternalGrandparent string The maternal grandparent
MaternalGreatgrandfather string The maternal greatgrandfather
MaternalGreatgrandmother string The maternal greatgrandmother
MaternalGreatgrandparent string The maternal greatgrandparent
MaternalUncle string The maternal uncle
MilitaryPerson string The military person
Mother string The target is the mother of the source
Motherinlaw string The motherinlaw
NamedInsured string The target is a named insured person on the source policy
NaturalBrother string The natural brother
NaturalChild string The natural child
NaturalDaughter string The natural daughter
NaturalFather string The natural father
NaturalFatherOfFetus string The target is the natural father of fetus of the identified fetus (source) or pregnant entity (source)
NaturalMother string The natural mother
NaturalParent string The natural parent
NaturalSibling string The natural sibling
NaturalSister string The natural sister
NaturalSon string The natural son
Nephew string The nephew
NextOfKin string The target is the next of kin for the source
Niece string The niece
NieceNephew string The niece nephew
NotaryPublic string The target is a notary public acting within the source entity
OwnedEntity string The target entity is owned by the source entity
Parent string The target entity is the parent of the source entity
ParentInlaw string The parent inlaw
Part string The target entity is a part of the source entity (source is comprised of parts)
PaternalAunt string The paternal aunt
PaternalCousin string The paternal cousin
PaternalGrandfather string The paternal grandfather
PaternalGrandmother string The paternal grandmother
PaternalGrandparent string The paternal grandparent
PaternalGreatgrandfather string The paternal greatgrandfather
PaternalGreatgrandmother string The paternal greatgrandmother
PaternalGreatgrandparent string The paternal greatgrandparent
PaternalUncle string The paternal uncle
Patient string The target is a patient of the source entity
Payee string The targert is a payee of the source entity
PersonalRelationship string The target possesses a personal relationship with the source entity
PlaceOfDeath string The target entity represents the place of death of the source entity
PolicyHolder string The target entity represents the policy holder of the source policy
ProgramEligible string The target is an entity which is eligible for funding or participation within a program
QualifiedEntity string The target represents a qualified version of the source entity
RegulatedProduct string The target represents a regulated version of the source product or represents a product which is regulated within the source jurisdiction
ResearchSubject string The target represents a research subject of the source study
RetailedMaterial string The target represents a material which is a retailed version of the source or is sold at the particular source
Roomate string The roomate
ServiceDeliveryLocation string The target represents a service delivery location for the source entity
Sibling string The sibling
SiblingInlaw string The sibling inlaw
SignificantOther string The significant other
SigningAuthorityOrOfficer string The target has signing authority or is an officer of the source
Sister string The sister
Sisterinlaw string The sisterinlaw
Son string The son
SonInlaw string The son inlaw
Specimen string The target represents a specimen collected from the source
Spouse string The spouse
Stepbrother string The stepbrother
StepChild string The step child
Stepdaughter string The stepdaughter
Stepfather string The stepfather
Stepmother string The stepmother
StepParent string The step parent
StepSibling string The step sibling
Stepsister string The stepsister
Stepson string The stepson
Student string The student
Subscriber string The target is a subscriber of the source, meaning the target should receive updates whenever the source changes
TerritoryOfAuthority string The target represents another territory where the source has authority
TherapeuticAgent string The target represents the theraputic agent of the source
Uncle string The uncle
Underwriter string The underwriter
UsedEntity string The target represents an entity that is consumed whenever the source is consumed
WarrantedProduct string The target represents a product which is warranted by the source
Wife string The wife
Replaces string The source replaces the target (note: this is one relationship where the role relationship is reveresed)
Instance string The target entity represents an instance of the scoper entity
LocatedEntity string Relates the target entity to a source location
Duplicate string Duplicate entity
Scoper string Duplicate entity
EquivalentEntity string Referenced entities
HasIngredient string The source entity has an ingredient represented by the target
HasContent string The source entity is comprised of the target. Note that this differs from PART in that content can be separated, parts cannot be separated
HasGenerialization string The source entity is a specialization of the target (i.e. the target is a more general entity kind than the source)
HasPart string The source entity is comprised of the target as a part (example: DTP vaccine kind has part Diptheria vaccine kind, Tetanus vaccine kind, and Pertussis vaccine kind)
ReportTarget string Extended SanteDB type for contained report flag

(constant) EventIdentifierType :string

Represents an event identifier type.

  • string
Name Type Description
ProvisioningEvent string Represents a provisioning event.
ProvisioningEventInt string
MedicationEvent string Represents a medication event.
MedicationEventInt string
ResourceAssignment string Represents a resource assignment.
ResourceAssignmentInt string
CareEpisode string Represents a care episode.
CareEpisodeInt string
CareProtocol string Represents a care protocol.
CareProtocolInt string
ProcedureRecord string Represents a procedure record.
ProcedureRecordInt string
Query string Represents a query.
QueryInt string
PatientRecord string Represents a patient record.
PatientRecordInt string
OrderRecord string Represents an order record.
OrderRecordInt string
NetworkActivity string Represents a network entry.
NetworkActivityInt string
Import string Represents an import.
ImportInt string
Export string Represents an export.
ExportInt string
ApplicationActivity string Represents application activity.
ApplicationActivityInt string
SecurityAlert string Represents a security alert.
SecurityAlertInt string
UserAuthentication string Represents user authentication.
UserAuthenticationInt string
EmergencyOverrideStarted string Represents that an emergency override started.
EmergencyOverrideStartedInt string
UseOfRestrictedFunction string Represents the use of a restricted function.
UseOfRestrictedFunctionInt string
Login string Represents a login.
LoginInt string
Logout string Represents a logout.
LogoutInt string

(constant) IdentifierReliability :string

Reliability of the identifier

  • string
Name Type Description
Unspecified string Unspecified
UnspecifiedInt string
Authoritative string Authoritative
AuthoritativeInt string
Informative string Informative
InformativeInt string

(constant) NameComponentKeys :string

Name component type keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Delimiter string The name component represents a delimeter in a name such as hyphen or space
Family string The name component represents the surname
Given string The name component represents the given name
Prefix string The name component represents the prefix such as Von or Van
Suffix string The name component represents a suffix such as III or Esq.
Title string The name component represents a formal title like Mr, Dr, Capt.

(constant) NameUseKeys :string

Name use keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Alphabetic string The name used is an alphabetic representation of the name (ex: romaji in Japanese)
Anonymous string The name is an anonymous name for the object (not the real name but a name used for care delivery)
Artist string The name represents an artist name or stage name
Assigned string The name represents an assigned name (given or bestowed by an authority)
Ideographic string THe name represents an ideographic representation of the name
Indigenous string The name is an indigenous name or tribal name for the patient
Legal string The name represents the current legal name of an object (such as a corporate name)
License string The name represents a name as displayed on a license or known to a license authority
MaidenName string THe name is a maiden name (name of a patient before marriage)
OfficialRecord string The name as it appears on an official record
Phonetic string The name represents a phonetic representation of a name such as a SOUNDEX code
Pseudonym string The name is a pseudonym for the object or an synonym name
Religious string The name is to be used for religious purposes (such as baptismal name)
Search string The name is to be used in the performing of matches only
Soundex string The name represents the computed soundex code of a name
Syllabic string The name represents a syllabic name.

(constant) NetworkAccessPointType :string

Represents the type of network access point.

  • string
Name Type Description
MachineName string Represents an identifier which is a machine name.
MachineNameInt string
IPAddress string Represents an identifier which is an IP address.
IPAddressInt string
TelephoneNumber string Represents an identifier which is a telephone number.
TelephoneNumberInt string

(constant) NullReasonKeys :string

In SanteDB, any concept can be replaced with a null reason. A null reason indicates why a particular field is not present rather than being null

  • string
Name Type Description
Unavailable string The reason that the requested value was not provided is that it is not available
NotApplicable string The reason that the requested value was not provided is that it is not applicable (for example last menstrual period of a male)
Derived string The reason that the value is not provided is that it can be derived from other information
Other string The value was not provided because it does not fall within the acceptable values
AskedUnknown string The value was asked for but the target did not know that answer
Invalid string The value was entered but it is invalid according to business rules
Trace string There is a value present, but the quantity of the value is so small that it cannot be registered
NegativeInfinity string The value is not prvovided because it is negative infinity
SufficientQuantity string The exact value is not known, but there is sufficient quantity to perform an act
UnEncoded string The value is available however it cannot be encoded in the desired format
NotAsked string The value is unavailable because it was not asked for
Unknown string The value may have been asked for and was not known or is unknown (this differes from AskedUnknown)
PositiveInfinity string The value is not provided because it is positive infinity
NoInformation string The value is not provided because there is no available information
Masked string The value is available however it has been masked due to privacy concerns

(constant) OutcomeIndicator :string

Represents potential outcomes.

  • string
Name Type Description
Success string Successful operation.
SuccessInt string
MinorFail string Minor failure, action should be restarted.
MinorFailInt string
SeriousFail string Action was terminated.
SeriousFailInt string
EpicFail string Major failure, action is made unavailable.
EpicFailInt string

(constant) PatchOperationType :string

Represents a patch operation type

  • string
Name Type Description
Add string Patch operation adds the specified value to the array
AddInt string
Remove string Patch operation removes the specified value from the array
RemoveInt string
Replace string Patch operation replaces the specified item at the path
ReplaceInt string
Test string Patch should test value before proceeding
TestInt string

(constant) PolicyGrantType :string

Policy grant type

  • string
Name Type Description
Deny string Represents a policy grant type of deny.
DenyInt string
Elevate string Represnts a policy grant type of elevate.
ElevateInt string
Grant string Represents a policy grant type of grant.
GrantInt string

(constant) RelationshipClassKeys :string

Base entity relationship type keys

  • string
Name Type Description
ReferencedObjectLink string The target is referenced by the holder however the target exists as an independent object
ContainedObjectLink string The target is referenced by the holder, however the target cannot exist without the holder object (it relies on the holder to give it context)
PrivateLink string The target is referenced by the holder by a system process and should not be disclosed on non-internal APIs
PlayedRoleLink string The holder of the relationship plays the role of the target of the relationship
AutomatedLink string The linkage was automatically generated by a system process
ConfirmedLink string The linkage was confirmed by a user

SanteDB :SanteDBWrapper


SanteEMR :SanteEMRWrapper


(constant) StatusKeys :string

Status concepts represent the current status of entities, acts, and concepts.

  • string
Name Type Description
Active string When an entity or act is active, it means the information or entity is currently correct and ongoing
Completed string Indicates that an act has been completed and now represents an act in the past
New string Indicates that the data is new, and may require additional verification or actions
Nullified string Indicates that the entity or act never existed, and was entered in error
Cancelled string Indicates that the act was cancelled before being completed
Obsolete string Indicates that the entity or act did exist at one point, however the data is no long considered accurate or the most up to date
Purged string Indicates that the entity or act did exist at one point, however it no longer exists
Inactive string Indicates that the entity or act did exist at one point, however it no longer exists - and the reason is unknown
ActiveStates string States which indicate that a record is active
InactiveStates string States which indicate that a record is inactive and should not be included in results
AllStates string Any status

(constant) SubscriptionModeType :string

The subscription modes in which a filter definition applies

  • string
Name Type Description
Partial string Only visible when subscription mode is selected
PartialInt string
Full string Only visible when all data (no specific item) is selected
FullInt string
FullOrPartial string Always visible
FullOrPartialInt string

(constant) SubscriptionTriggerType :string

Represents synchronization pull triggers

  • string
Name Type Description
Never string Never execute the trigger
NeverInt string
Always string Always execute the trigger
AlwaysInt string
OnStart string Only on start
OnStartInt string
OnCommit string Only on commit
OnCommitInt string
OnStop string Only on stop
OnStopInt string
OnPush string Only on push of data
OnPushInt string
OnNetworkChange string Only when the network changes
OnNetworkChangeInt string
PeriodicPoll string Periodically poll
PeriodicPollInt string
Manual string Only when manually pulling
ManualInt string

(constant) TelecomAddressTypeKeys :string

Telecommunications address use keys

  • string
Name Type Description
Pager string pager
Telephone string Telephone (can receive voice calls)
CellularPhone string Cellular phone (can receive MMS and SMS)
Modem string Modem (can be dialed into)
FaxMachine string Fax machine (can receive fax data)
Internet string Internet address (can receive SMTP e-mail)

(constant) TelecomAddressUseKeys :string

Telecommunications address use keys

  • string
Name Type Description
PrimaryHome string Primary home
AnsweringService string answering service
EmergencyContact string Emergency contact
MobileContact string Mobile phone contact
Pager string pager
Public string public (800 number example) contact
TemporaryAddress string temporary contact
WorkPlace string For use in the workplace


Name Type Description
hdsi SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper Reference to the configured Health Data Service Interface helper
ami SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper Reference to the configured Administration Management Interface helper
auth SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper Reference to the configured Authentication API
app SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper Reference to the configured Application API


initiateChallengeFlowAsync(userName, upstream) → {Promise}

Name Type Description
userName string The name of the user to initiate the flow for
upstream bool When true contact the upstream
The promise for the reset

parseJwt(jwtData) → {Object}

Parses a JWT token data into a JSON object

Name Type Description
jwtData string The JWT data (typically from an id_token)
The parsed object