(constant) ActClassKeys :string
Represents a series of class keys for use on acts.
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Document |
string | Document class key |
DocumentSection |
string | Document section class key |
CarePlan |
string | Care plan class key |
AccountManagement |
string | The act represents generic account management such as adjudications, financial adjustments, stock counting, etc. |
Act |
string | The act represents a generic act which has no special classification |
Battery |
string | The act represents a simple battery of procedures/administrations/tests/etc. |
CareProvision |
string | The act represents some provision of care such as the seeking out services. |
Condition |
string | The act represents a problem or condition which the patient is suffering from. |
ControlAct |
string | The control act event key is used to describe an infrastructural act which has no clinical meaning but can be used to wrap technical details. |
Encounter |
string | The act represents an encounter such as the patient presenting for care and receiving services during a visit. |
Inform |
string | The act represents an attempt to provide additional clinical information. |
Observation |
string | The act represents an observation that is made about a patient such as a vital sign, an allergy, cause of death, etc.. |
Procedure |
string | The act represents a procedure (something done to a patient). |
Registration |
string | The act represents a registration event such as the registration of a patient. |
SubstanceAdministration |
string | The act represents that a substance (medication, or otherwise) was, should, or will be administered to the patient. |
Supply |
string | The act represents a supply of some material or financial instrument between entities. |
Transport |
string | The physical transporting of materials or people from one place to another. |
Contract |
string | Represents a contract |
FinancialContract |
string | Represents a financial contract |
Account |
string | Represents an account for tracking financial obligations |
FinancialTransaction |
string | Represents a single financial transaction |
InvoiceElement |
string | Represents a single invoice element |
List |
string | List |
(constant) ActMoodKeys :string
Act Mood keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Appointment |
string | The ACT represents an appointment that was made to do something |
AppointmentRequest |
string | The ACT represents a special type of request to create an appointment |
Definition |
string | The ACT represents a definition of a type of act |
Eventoccurrence |
string | The ACT represents something that has occurred |
Goal |
string | The ACT represents some sort of GOAL |
Intent |
string | The ACT represents an intent made by a human to do something |
Promise |
string | The ACT represents a promise to do something |
Propose |
string | The ACT represents a proposal that a human should do something |
Request |
string | The ACT represents a request to do something |
(constant) ActParticipationKeys :string
Represents the participation concepts which an entity can participate in an act
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Admitter |
string | The player entity was the person who was responsible for admitting the patient into a facility or care scenario. |
Attender |
string | The player entity represents the attending physician for the patient |
Authenticator |
string | The player entity represents an entity which authenticates the provision of care |
Authororiginator |
string | The player entity is responsible for the creation of data described in the act |
Baby |
string | The player is a resultant person in that it was the baby |
Beneficiary |
string | The player is a beneficiary of the act such a receiver of a financial instrument, or other good |
CallbackContact |
string | The player entity represents something that should be contacted upon completion of the act |
CausativeAgent |
string | The player entity is an agent which caused the act to occur |
Consultant |
string | The player entity is acting as a consult to the carrying out of the act |
Consumable |
string | The player entity was or is to be consumed during the process of carrying out the act. |
CoverageTarget |
string | The player entity represents the target coverage entity of the act |
Custodian |
string | The player entity is the data custodian of the act (is responsible for storing and securing the act) |
DataEnterer |
string | The player entity represents the person or device which phisically entered the data at the terminal |
Destination |
string | The player etity represents the ultimate destination of the goods/materials/services described in the act |
Device |
string | The player entity represents the device on which the act or data from the act was acquired or recorded |
DirectTarget |
string | The player entity represents the directed target of care provided in the act |
Discharger |
string | The player entity represents the person who is responsible for the discharging of the patient from an encounter |
Distributor |
string | The player entity is the source distribution point for the financial or material instruments contained in the message |
Donor |
string | The player entity represents the donor of tissue or materials used in the act |
EntryLocation |
string | The location where the act was entered. |
Escort |
string | The player entity was responsible for escorting the patient during the course of the act |
Exposure |
string | The player entity something to which the patient was exposed |
ExposureAgent |
string | The player entity represents the agent (material) to which the patient was exposed |
ExposureSource |
string | The player entity describes the source of the material to which the patient was exposed |
ExposureTarget |
string | The player entity describes the target to which the agent was exposed |
GuarantorParty |
string | The player represents a party which is used as a financial guarantor for payment in the carrying out of the act |
Holder |
string | The player is responsible for holding the act |
IndirectTarget |
string | The entity not directly present in the act but which will be the focust of th act. |
Informant |
string | The player was a person or device which informed data presented in the act. (Example: A mother telling a nurse that their child had a reaction) |
InformationRecipient |
string | The player entity represents something that should be cc'ed on the act |
LegalAuthenticator |
string | The player entity is responsible for legally authenticating the content of the act |
Location |
string | The location where the service was performed. |
NonreuseableDevice |
string | The player represents a consumable that can no longer be used |
Origin |
string | The player represents the origin of the act |
Participation |
string | The player entity participates in the act in no particular classification |
Performer |
string | The player entity is responsible for performing the clinical steps documented in the act |
PrimaryInformationRecipient |
string | The player entity represents a high priority contact which should be informed or cc'ed on the act |
PrimaryPerformer |
string | The player entity was the primary performer of the act. This is used in procedures where more than one performer is present |
Product |
string | The player represents a product that is not necessarily consumed but informs the act |
Receiver |
string | The player represents the entity which is the intended receiver of the act |
RecordTarget |
string | The player represents the entity to which the act is recorded against |
ReferredBy |
string | The player represents the entity which referred the act or caused the act to be undertaken |
ReferredTo |
string | The player entity represents the entity which was referred to |
Referrer |
string | The player entity represents the person who was originally the referrer. |
Remote |
string | The player entity represents a remote portion of the act |
ResponsibleParty |
string | The player entity is ultimately responsible for the carrying out of the act |
ReusableDevice |
string | The player entity represents a device which can be reused in future acts |
SecondaryPerformer |
string | The secondary performing person (support clinician). |
Specimen |
string | The player entity represents a specimen collected for the purpose of testing and diagnosis |
Subject |
string | The player entity is the subject of an act, but not necessarily the record target (meaning the act is about a particular entity but not to be attached to their record) |
Tracker |
string | The player entity is responsible for tracking the progress of the act |
Transcriber |
string | The person who transcribed data from the original act. |
UgentNotificationContact |
string | The player entity represents a contact entity in case of an emergency occurs during the act. |
Verifier |
string | The player entity was responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data in the act |
Via |
string | The player entity represents an entity where the act occurred "via" this entity (i.e. in transport) |
Witness |
string | The player entity represents a legal witness to the act occurring. |
(constant) ActReasonKeys :string
Represents act reasons (reasons for an act)
- string
Name | Type | Description |
StartedTooLate |
string | The patient started too late for the therapy |
AllergyOrIntolerance |
string | The patient is allergic or intolerant to the consumable |
Expired |
string | The vaccine or drug was expired |
VaccineSafety |
string | The vaccine was considered unsafe |
ProfessionalJudgement |
string | The vaccine was not performed per the professional judgement of the provider |
ReligiousObjecton |
string | The patient had a religious objection |
PatientRefused |
string | The patient refused the treatment |
OutOfStock |
string | There was insufficient stock to perform the action |
Broken |
string | The items are broken and can no longer be used to deliver care |
ColdStorageFailure |
string | There was a cold-storage failure which resulted in the material being unusable. |
(constant) ActRelationshipTypeKeys :string
Act relationship types
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Appends |
string | Indicates that the source act appends information contained in the target act |
Arrival |
string | Links the transortation act from another act |
Departure |
string | Links a transporation act from another act indicating departure of the subject |
Documents |
string | The source act documents the target act |
EpisodeLink |
string | Links two instances of the same act over time (example: chronic conditions) |
Evaluates |
string | Used to link a goal to an observation |
Fulfills |
string | Indicates that the source act fulfills the target act |
HasAuthorization |
string | Indicates that the target act authorizes the source act |
HasComponent |
string | Indicates that the target act is a component of the source act |
HasControlVariable |
string | Relationship from an act to one or more control variables (for example: device settings, or environment) |
HasManifestation |
string | The assertion that a new observation may be a manifestation of another |
HasPrecondition |
string | Indicates that the target act is a pre-condition of the source act |
HasReason |
string | Indicates a reasoning as to why the source act is occurring |
HasReferenceValues |
string | Indicates that the source act contains reference values from the target |
HasSubject |
string | Indicates the subject of a particular act (example: clinical act is a subject of a control act) |
HasSupport |
string | Indicates an existing act is suggesting evidence for a new observation. |
IsCauseOf |
string | Indicates that the source act is the cause of the target act |
IsDerivedFrom |
string | Indicates the source act is derived from information contained in the target act |
IsExcerptOf |
string | Indicates that the source act is an excerpt of the target act |
RefersTo |
string | Indicates that the source act refers to the target act |
Replaces |
string | The source act replaces the target act |
StartsAfterStartOf |
string | Indicates that the source act starts after the start of another act |
Transforms |
string | Indicates that the source act transforms the target act |
Duplicate |
string | Duplicate entity |
(constant) ActionType :string
Represents types of action that was performed which resulted in the audit being created
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Create |
string | Data was created in the system |
CreateInt |
string | |
Read |
string | Data was viewed, printed, displayed, etc... |
ReadInt |
string | |
Update |
string | Data was revised in the system |
UpdateInt |
string | |
Delete |
string | Data was removed from the system |
DeleteInt |
string | |
Execute |
string | A system, or application function was performed |
ExecuteInt |
string |
(constant) ActorTypeKeys :string
Represents user classification keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Application |
string | Represents a user which is an application |
HumanUser |
string | Represents a user which is a human |
System |
string | Represents a user which is a system user |
Device |
string | Is a device user |
(constant) AddressComponentKeys :string
Represents address component types
- string
Name | Type | Description |
AdditionalLocator |
string | An additional locator (example: Beside the red barn). |
AddressLine |
string | An address line as would appear on an address (example: 123 Main Street West) |
BuildingNumber |
string | Identifies a particular building on a street (example: A23 Building) |
BuildingNumberNumeric |
string | Identifies a numeric identifier for a building (example: 123) |
BuildingNumberSuffix |
string | Identifies a suffix to the building number (example: 123 *SECTOR 7*) |
CareOf |
string | Identifies the person where deliveries should be care-of (example: c/o Bob Smith) |
CensusTract |
string | The census tract which is used for political counting of the census |
City |
string | The town or city (example: Toronto) |
Country |
string | The country in which the address resides (example: Canada) |
County |
string | The county or sub-division of a sub-national unit (example: Clark County) |
Delimiter |
string | Represents a meaningless delimiter such as dash, or newline |
DeliveryAddressLine |
string | Represents an address line to be used for delivery rather than physical location (example: Loading Dock #4) |
DeliveryInstallationArea |
string | Represents the area where the delivery should take place |
DeliveryInstallationQualifier |
string | The delivery installation qualifier. |
DeliveryInstallationType |
string | The delivery installation type. |
DeliveryMode |
string | The delivery mode. |
DeliveryModeIdentifier |
string | The delivery mode identifier. |
Direction |
string | Represents a directory such as north, south, east, or west |
PostalCode |
string | A codified adminsitrative unit used to locate the address (zip code or postal code) |
PostBox |
string | Represents a PO box where delivery of mail should take place |
Precinct |
string | Represents a precinct or sub-division of a city such as a burrogh |
State |
string | Represents a state or province, or a sub-division of a national boundary |
StreetAddressLine |
string | Represents a physical street delivery line (example: 123 Main Street West) |
StreetName |
string | Represents the name portion of a street address (example: Main St.) |
StreetNameBase |
string | The street name base portion of a street address (Example: Main) |
StreetType |
string | The street type (example: Street, Road, Hwy) |
UnitDesignator |
string | Identifies the type of unit (example: Suite, Apartment, Unit) |
UnitIdentifier |
string | The identifier of the unit (example: 820) |
PlaceReference |
string | The identifier in the address that points to another |
Zone |
string | Identifies the region or zone or division |
(constant) AddressUseKeys :string
Address use keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Alphabetic |
string | Represents an alphabetic address used for matching |
BadAddress |
string | Represents a bad address, i.e. an address which is old or invalid. |
Direct |
string | Represents a workplace address that reaches the person directly without intermediaries. |
HomeAddress |
string | The home address |
Ideographic |
string | Represents an address expressed in an ideographic manner (example: Kanji) |
Phonetic |
string | Represents an address expressed as a phonetic spelling of an ideographic address |
PhysicalVisit |
string | The address is a physical place where visits should occur |
PostalAddress |
string | The address is a postal address used for the delivery of mail and materials |
PrimaryHome |
string | Represents a primary address to reach a contact after business hours. |
Public |
string | Represents an address that is a standard address that may be subject to a switchboard or operator prior to reaching the intended entity. |
Soundex |
string | Represents an address used for soundex matching purposes. |
Syllabic |
string | Represents a syllabic address. |
TemporaryAddress |
string | Represents a temporary address that may be good for visiting or mailing. |
VacationHome |
string | Represents a vacation home to reach a person while on vacation. |
WorkPlace |
string | Represents an office address, should be used for business communications |
(constant) AuditMetadataKey :string
Represents metadata keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
string | The metadata represents a patient identifier |
PIDInt |
string | |
ProcessName |
string | The object is a process name |
ProcessNameInt |
string | |
RemoteHost |
string | Identifies the remote host as an IP address |
RemoteHostInt |
string | |
ForwardInformation |
string | Identifies the remote endpoint |
ForwardInformationInt |
string | |
LocalEndpoint |
string | Identifies the local endpoint |
LocalEndpointInt |
string | |
SubmissionTime |
string | Identifies the time a batch was submitted |
SubmissionTimeInt |
string | |
OriginalFormat |
string | Identifies if an object was in original format |
OriginalFormatInt |
string | |
SubmissionStatus |
string | Identifies the status of the object |
SubmissionStatusInt |
string | |
Priority |
string | Identifies the priority of the object |
PriorityInt |
string | |
Classification |
string | Identifies the object classification |
ClassificationInt |
string | |
SessionId |
string | Identifies the object as a session identifier |
SessionIdInt |
string | |
EnterpriseSiteID |
string | Identifies the object as an enterprise site identifier |
EnterpriseSiteIDInt |
string | |
AuditSourceID |
string | Identifies the object's metadata as the source |
AuditSourceIDInt |
string | |
AuditSourceType |
string | Identifies the source type |
AuditSourceTypeInt |
string | |
CorrelationToken |
string | Allows the correlation of data between audits |
CorrelationTokenInt |
string |
(constant) AuditableObjectIdType :string
Classifies the type of identifier that a auditable object may have
- string
Name | Type | Description |
NotSpecified |
string | |
NotSpecifiedInt |
string | |
MedicalRecord |
string | |
MedicalRecordInt |
string | |
PatientNumber |
string | |
PatientNumberInt |
string | |
EncounterNumber |
string | |
EncounterNumberInt |
string | |
EnrolleeNumber |
string | |
EnrolleeNumberInt |
string | |
SocialSecurityNumber |
string | |
SocialSecurityNumberInt |
string | |
AccountNumber |
string | |
AccountNumberInt |
string | |
GuarantorNumber |
string | |
GuarantorNumberInt |
string | |
ReportName |
string | |
ReportNameInt |
string | |
ReportNumber |
string | |
ReportNumberInt |
string | |
SearchCritereon |
string | |
SearchCritereonInt |
string | |
UserIdentifier |
string | |
UserIdentifierInt |
string | |
Uri |
string | |
UriInt |
string | |
Custom |
string | Custom code |
CustomInt |
string |
(constant) AuditableObjectLifecycle :string
Auditable object lifecycle indicates the lifecycle of the object when the audit was created
- string
Name | Type | Description |
NotSet |
string | Not set |
NotSetInt |
string | |
Creation |
string | An object was created |
CreationInt |
string | |
Import |
string | An object was imported from an external source |
ImportInt |
string | |
Amendment |
string | An object was amended (updated) |
AmendmentInt |
string | |
Verification |
string | An object was verified |
VerificationInt |
string | |
Translation |
string | An object wsa transformed |
TranslationInt |
string | |
Access |
string | An object was accessed |
AccessInt |
string | |
Deidentification |
string | An object was de-identified |
DeidentificationInt |
string | |
Aggregation |
string | An object was aggregated with another group of objects |
AggregationInt |
string | |
Report |
string | An object was reported on |
ReportInt |
string | |
Export |
string | An object was exported to another system |
ExportInt |
string | |
Disclosure |
string | An object was disclosed to a user |
DisclosureInt |
string | |
ReceiptOfDisclosure |
string | The object was the receipt of a disclosure |
ReceiptOfDisclosureInt |
string | |
Archiving |
string | The object was archived |
ArchivingInt |
string | |
LogicalDeletion |
string | The object was obsoleted (logically deleted) |
LogicalDeletionInt |
string | |
PermanentErasure |
string | The object was perminently deleted |
PermanentErasureInt |
string |
(constant) AuditableObjectRole :string
Identifies roles of objects in the audit event
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Patient |
string | |
PatientInt |
string | |
Location |
string | |
LocationInt |
string | |
Report |
string | |
ReportInt |
string | |
Resource |
string | |
ResourceInt |
string | |
MasterFile |
string | |
MasterFileInt |
string | |
User |
string | |
UserInt |
string | |
List |
string | |
ListInt |
string | |
Doctor |
string | |
DoctorInt |
string | |
Subscriber |
string | |
SubscriberInt |
string | |
Guarantor |
string | |
GuarantorInt |
string | |
SecurityUser |
string | |
SecurityUserInt |
string | |
SecurityGroup |
string | |
SecurityGroupInt |
string | |
SecurityResource |
string | |
SecurityResourceInt |
string | |
SecurityGranularityDefinition |
string | |
SecurityGranularityDefinitionInt |
string | |
Provider |
string | |
ProviderInt |
string | |
DataDestination |
string | |
DataDestinationInt |
string | |
DataRepository |
string | |
DataRepositoryInt |
string | |
Schedule |
string | |
ScheduleInt |
string | |
Customer |
string | |
CustomerInt |
string | |
Job |
string | |
JobInt |
string | |
JobStream |
string | |
JobStreamInt |
string | |
Table |
string | |
TableInt |
string | |
RoutingCriteria |
string | |
RoutingCriteriaInt |
string | |
Query |
string | |
QueryInt |
string |
(constant) AuditableObjectType :string
Identifies the type of auditable object for context
- string
Name | Type | Description |
NotSpecified |
string | Not specified |
NotSpecifiedInt |
string | |
Person |
string | Represents a person. |
PersonInt |
string | |
SystemObject |
string | Represents a system object. |
SystemObjectInt |
string | |
Organization |
string | Represents an organization. |
OrganizationInt |
string | |
Other |
string | Represents an other object type. |
OtherInt |
string |
(constant) BatchOperationType :string
Batch operation type
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Auto |
string | Automatically decide |
AutoInt |
string | |
Insert |
string | Insert the object only |
InsertInt |
string | |
InsertOrUpdate |
string | Insert the object or update it |
InsertOrUpdateInt |
string | |
Update |
string | Update the object only |
UpdateInt |
string | |
Delete |
string | Delete the object |
DeleteInt |
string | |
Ignore |
string | Ignore this object - it is for reference only |
IgnoreInt |
string |
(constant) CarePathwayEnrollmentMode :string
Enrolment mode
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Manual |
string | Enrollment is manually performed |
ManualInt |
string | |
Automatic |
string | Patients are automatically enrolled if they meet the eligibility criteria |
AutomaticInt |
string |
(constant) CodeSystemKeys :string
Code system identifiers
- string
Name | Type | Description |
string | Commonn Vaccination Codes (CDC) |
ICD10 |
string | International Classification of Diseases Version 10 |
string | International Classification of Diseases Version 10 - Clinical Management |
ICD9 |
string | International Classification of Diseases Version 9 |
ISO6391 |
string | ISO-639-1 (Language Codes) |
ISO6392 |
string | ISO639-2 (3 letter Language Codes) |
string | Logical Observations Identifiers Names and Codes (maintained by Regenstrief Institute) |
string | Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms (maintained by IHTSDO) |
string | Universal Codes for the Unit Of Measure |
PostalAddressUse |
string | The postal address use code system key. |
EntityNameUse |
string | The entity name use code system key. |
AdministrativeGender |
string | The administrative gender code system key. |
(constant) ConceptClassKeys :string
Concept classification identifiers for built-in concept classes
- string
Name | Type | Description |
ClassCode |
string | Classification codes |
Diagnosis |
string | Diagnosis codes |
Finding |
string | Clinical findings |
Form |
string | Form codes (shape, texture, etc.) |
Material |
string | Material classifications |
Mood |
string | Mood classifications |
Other |
string | Other classifications |
Problem |
string | Problems or condition codes |
Relationship |
string | Relationship class identifier |
Route |
string | Routes of adminstration class identifier |
Status |
string | Status codes |
Stock |
string | Stock classification codes |
UnitOfMeasure |
string | Unit of measure classification |
Language |
string | Language codes |
(constant) ConceptRelationshipTypeKeys :string
Reference type identifiers
- string
Name | Type | Description |
InverseOf |
string | The source concept has the inverse meaning of the target concept |
MemberOf |
string | The source concept is a member of the target concept |
NegationOf |
string | The source concept is a negation of the target concept |
SameAs |
string | The source concept has the same meaning as the target concept |
NarrowerThan |
string | The source concept is narrower in meaning than the target |
WiderThan |
string | The source concept is wider in meaning than the target |
(constant) ConceptSetCompositionOperation :string
Concept set reference role
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Include |
string | Source Includes Target |
IncludeInt |
string | |
Exclude |
string | Source Excludes Target |
ExcludeInt |
string |
(constant) CurrencyKeys :string
Currency concepts
- string
Name | Type | Description |
AustralianDollar |
string | Australian Dollar |
CanadianDollar |
string | Canadian Dollar |
SwissFranc |
string | Swiss Franc |
YuanRenminbi |
string | Chinese Yuan |
Euro |
string | Euros |
PoundSterling |
string | British Pound Sterling |
Shekel |
string | Israel Shekel |
IndianRupee |
string | Indian Rupee |
Yen |
string | Japanese Yen |
Won |
string | Korean Won |
MexicanNuevoPeso |
string | Mexican new Peso |
NetherlandsGuilder |
string | Guilders |
NewZealandDollar |
string | New Zealand Dollar |
PhilippinePeso |
string | Philippine Peso |
RussianRuble |
string | Russian Ruble |
Baht |
string | Thai Baht |
Lira |
string | Turkish Lira |
TaiwanDollar |
string | Taiwanese Dollar |
USDollar |
string | US Dollars |
Rand |
string | South African Rand |
(constant) DatePrecision :string
Represents a date precision object
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Full |
string | Represents full date precision. |
FullInt |
string | |
Year |
string | Represents year date precision. |
YearInt |
string | |
Month |
string | Represents month date precision. |
MonthInt |
string | |
Day |
string | Represents day date precision. |
DayInt |
string | |
Hour |
string | Represents hour date precision. |
HourInt |
string | |
Minute |
string | Represents minute date precision. |
MinuteInt |
string | |
Second |
string | Represents second date precision. |
SecondInt |
string |
(constant) DeterminerKeys :string
Determiner codes classify an entity into one of three categories.
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Described |
string | Indicates the entity is not a particular instance of a thing, rather a type of thing |
DescribedQualified |
string | Indicates the entity is a type of thing that has been qualified further |
Specific |
string | Indicates the entity is a specific instance of a thing |
(constant) EntityClassKeys :string
Entity class concept keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Animal |
string | Animal |
ChemicalSubstance |
string | Chemical Substance |
CityOrTown |
string | City or town |
Container |
string | Container |
Country |
string | Country or nation |
CountyOrParish |
string | County or parish |
Device |
string | Device |
Entity |
string | Entity |
Food |
string | Food |
LivingSubject |
string | Living Subject |
ManufacturedMaterial |
string | Manufactured material |
Material |
string | Material |
NonLivingSubject |
string | Non living subject |
Organization |
string | Organization |
Patient |
string | Patient |
Person |
string | Person |
Place |
string | Place |
Provider |
string | Service delivery location |
ServiceDeliveryLocation |
string | Service delivery location |
StateOrProvince |
string | State |
PrecinctOrBorough |
string | Represents a precinct or sub-division of a city such as a burrogh |
UserEntity |
string | Represents a person which is a user in the system |
ZoneOrTerritory |
string | Represents a zone or a territority |
(constant) EntityRelationshipTypeKeys :string
Base entity relationship type keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Access |
string | The source entity gives access to the target entity |
ActiveMoiety |
string | Active ingredient, where not the ingredient substance (player), but itaTMs active moiety is the "basis of strength" |
AdministerableMaterial |
string | The source represents a meterial that is an administerable form of the target |
AdoptedChild |
string | The source is an adopted child of the target |
AdoptedDaughter |
string | The source is an adopted daughter of the target |
AdoptedSon |
string | The source is an adopted son of the target |
Affiliate |
string | The target has a business/professional relationship with the source. |
Agent |
string | The target is an agent or authorized to act on behalf of the source |
Aliquot |
string | The target is a portion of the original source |
AssignedEntity |
string | The target is an entity acting under role or assignment of the source |
Aunt |
string | The target is the aunt of the source |
Birthplace |
string | The target is the birthplace of the source |
Brother |
string | The target is the brother of the source |
Brotherinlaw |
string | The target is the brotherinlaw of the source |
Caregiver |
string | The target is the caregiver of the source |
CaseSubject |
string | The the target represents a case subject of the source entity (such as a study) |
Child |
string | The the target is a child of the child source |
ChildInlaw |
string | The child inlaw |
Citizen |
string | The target is a citizen of the source |
Claimant |
string | The target is a claimant or is making a claim in a policy (source) |
ClinicalResearchInvestigator |
string | The clinical research investigator |
ClinicalResearchSponsor |
string | The clinical research sponsor |
CommissioningParty |
string | The commissioning party |
CommunityServiceDeliveryLocation |
string | Community location which is used to provide services within holder |
Contact |
string | The target represents a contact of the source |
Cousin |
string | The cousin |
CoverageSponsor |
string | The target represents a coverage sponsor of the source |
CoveredParty |
string | The target is a covered party of a source (insurance policy) |
Daughter |
string | The daughter |
DaughterInlaw |
string | The daughter inlaw |
DedicatedServiceDeliveryLocation |
string | The target is the dedicated service delivery location for the source |
Dependent |
string | The target is a dependent of the source |
DistributedMaterial |
string | The target is a distributed or shippable material of the source |
DomesticPartner |
string | The domestic partner |
EmergencyContact |
string | The target is an emergency contact for the source |
Employee |
string | The the target is an employee of the source |
ExposedEntity |
string | The target represents a substance which is exposed when the source is exposed |
FamilyMember |
string | The family member |
Father |
string | The father |
Fatherinlaw |
string | The fatherinlaw |
FosterChild |
string | The foster child |
FosterDaughter |
string | The foster daughter |
FosterSon |
string | The foster son |
Grandchild |
string | The grandchild |
Granddaughter |
string | The granddaughter |
Grandfather |
string | The grandfather |
Grandmother |
string | The grandmother |
Grandparent |
string | The grandparent |
Grandson |
string | The grandson |
GreatGrandfather |
string | The great grandfather |
GreatGrandmother |
string | The great grandmother |
GreatGrandparent |
string | The great grandparent |
Guarantor |
string | The guarantor |
string | The guard |
Guardian |
string | The target is a guardian of the source |
Halfbrother |
string | The halfbrother |
Halfsibling |
string | The halfsibling |
Halfsister |
string | The halfsister |
HealthcareProvider |
string | The target is a healthcare provider for the source |
HealthChart |
string | The target represents a health chart belonging to the source |
HeldEntity |
string | The source holds the specified quantity of the target entity (the target entity is held by the source) |
Husband |
string | The husband |
IdentifiedEntity |
string | The target represents an entity for purposes of identification of the source |
IncidentalServiceDeliveryLocation |
string | The target represents an incidental service delivery location related to the source entity |
Individual |
string | The target represents an individual instance of the source |
InvestigationSubject |
string | The investigation subject |
InvoicePayor |
string | The target is the payor of an invoice for the source |
Isolate |
string | The isolate |
LicensedEntity |
string | The target represents an entity licensed to perform or use the source |
MaintainedEntity |
string | The target entity is maintained by the source entity |
ManufacturedProduct |
string | The target entity is a product which is manufactured by the source |
MaternalAunt |
string | The maternal aunt |
MaternalCousin |
string | The maternal cousin |
MaternalGrandfather |
string | The maternal grandfather |
MaternalGrandmother |
string | The maternal grandmother |
MaternalGrandparent |
string | The maternal grandparent |
MaternalGreatgrandfather |
string | The maternal greatgrandfather |
MaternalGreatgrandmother |
string | The maternal greatgrandmother |
MaternalGreatgrandparent |
string | The maternal greatgrandparent |
MaternalUncle |
string | The maternal uncle |
MilitaryPerson |
string | The military person |
Mother |
string | The target is the mother of the source |
Motherinlaw |
string | The motherinlaw |
NamedInsured |
string | The target is a named insured person on the source policy |
NaturalBrother |
string | The natural brother |
NaturalChild |
string | The natural child |
NaturalDaughter |
string | The natural daughter |
NaturalFather |
string | The natural father |
NaturalFatherOfFetus |
string | The target is the natural father of fetus of the identified fetus (source) or pregnant entity (source) |
NaturalMother |
string | The natural mother |
NaturalParent |
string | The natural parent |
NaturalSibling |
string | The natural sibling |
NaturalSister |
string | The natural sister |
NaturalSon |
string | The natural son |
Nephew |
string | The nephew |
NextOfKin |
string | The target is the next of kin for the source |
Niece |
string | The niece |
NieceNephew |
string | The niece nephew |
NotaryPublic |
string | The target is a notary public acting within the source entity |
OwnedEntity |
string | The target entity is owned by the source entity |
Parent |
string | The target entity is the parent of the source entity |
ParentInlaw |
string | The parent inlaw |
Part |
string | The target entity is a part of the source entity (source is comprised of parts) |
PaternalAunt |
string | The paternal aunt |
PaternalCousin |
string | The paternal cousin |
PaternalGrandfather |
string | The paternal grandfather |
PaternalGrandmother |
string | The paternal grandmother |
PaternalGrandparent |
string | The paternal grandparent |
PaternalGreatgrandfather |
string | The paternal greatgrandfather |
PaternalGreatgrandmother |
string | The paternal greatgrandmother |
PaternalGreatgrandparent |
string | The paternal greatgrandparent |
PaternalUncle |
string | The paternal uncle |
Patient |
string | The target is a patient of the source entity |
Payee |
string | The targert is a payee of the source entity |
PersonalRelationship |
string | The target possesses a personal relationship with the source entity |
PlaceOfDeath |
string | The target entity represents the place of death of the source entity |
PolicyHolder |
string | The target entity represents the policy holder of the source policy |
ProgramEligible |
string | The target is an entity which is eligible for funding or participation within a program |
QualifiedEntity |
string | The target represents a qualified version of the source entity |
RegulatedProduct |
string | The target represents a regulated version of the source product or represents a product which is regulated within the source jurisdiction |
ResearchSubject |
string | The target represents a research subject of the source study |
RetailedMaterial |
string | The target represents a material which is a retailed version of the source or is sold at the particular source |
Roomate |
string | The roomate |
ServiceDeliveryLocation |
string | The target represents a service delivery location for the source entity |
Sibling |
string | The sibling |
SiblingInlaw |
string | The sibling inlaw |
SignificantOther |
string | The significant other |
SigningAuthorityOrOfficer |
string | The target has signing authority or is an officer of the source |
Sister |
string | The sister |
Sisterinlaw |
string | The sisterinlaw |
Son |
string | The son |
SonInlaw |
string | The son inlaw |
Specimen |
string | The target represents a specimen collected from the source |
Spouse |
string | The spouse |
Stepbrother |
string | The stepbrother |
StepChild |
string | The step child |
Stepdaughter |
string | The stepdaughter |
Stepfather |
string | The stepfather |
Stepmother |
string | The stepmother |
StepParent |
string | The step parent |
StepSibling |
string | The step sibling |
Stepsister |
string | The stepsister |
Stepson |
string | The stepson |
Student |
string | The student |
Subscriber |
string | The target is a subscriber of the source, meaning the target should receive updates whenever the source changes |
TerritoryOfAuthority |
string | The target represents another territory where the source has authority |
TherapeuticAgent |
string | The target represents the theraputic agent of the source |
Uncle |
string | The uncle |
Underwriter |
string | The underwriter |
UsedEntity |
string | The target represents an entity that is consumed whenever the source is consumed |
WarrantedProduct |
string | The target represents a product which is warranted by the source |
Wife |
string | The wife |
Replaces |
string | The source replaces the target (note: this is one relationship where the role relationship is reveresed) |
Instance |
string | The target entity represents an instance of the scoper entity |
LocatedEntity |
string | Relates the target entity to a source location |
Duplicate |
string | Duplicate entity |
Scoper |
string | Duplicate entity |
EquivalentEntity |
string | Referenced entities |
HasIngredient |
string | The source entity has an ingredient represented by the target |
HasContent |
string | The source entity is comprised of the target. Note that this differs from PART in that content can be separated, parts cannot be separated |
HasGenerialization |
string | The source entity is a specialization of the target (i.e. the target is a more general entity kind than the source) |
HasPart |
string | The source entity is comprised of the target as a part (example: DTP vaccine kind has part Diptheria vaccine kind, Tetanus vaccine kind, and Pertussis vaccine kind) |
ReportTarget |
string | Extended SanteDB type for contained report flag |
(constant) EventIdentifierType :string
Represents an event identifier type.
- string
Name | Type | Description |
ProvisioningEvent |
string | Represents a provisioning event. |
ProvisioningEventInt |
string | |
MedicationEvent |
string | Represents a medication event. |
MedicationEventInt |
string | |
ResourceAssignment |
string | Represents a resource assignment. |
ResourceAssignmentInt |
string | |
CareEpisode |
string | Represents a care episode. |
CareEpisodeInt |
string | |
CareProtocol |
string | Represents a care protocol. |
CareProtocolInt |
string | |
ProcedureRecord |
string | Represents a procedure record. |
ProcedureRecordInt |
string | |
Query |
string | Represents a query. |
QueryInt |
string | |
PatientRecord |
string | Represents a patient record. |
PatientRecordInt |
string | |
OrderRecord |
string | Represents an order record. |
OrderRecordInt |
string | |
NetworkActivity |
string | Represents a network entry. |
NetworkActivityInt |
string | |
Import |
string | Represents an import. |
ImportInt |
string | |
Export |
string | Represents an export. |
ExportInt |
string | |
ApplicationActivity |
string | Represents application activity. |
ApplicationActivityInt |
string | |
SecurityAlert |
string | Represents a security alert. |
SecurityAlertInt |
string | |
UserAuthentication |
string | Represents user authentication. |
UserAuthenticationInt |
string | |
EmergencyOverrideStarted |
string | Represents that an emergency override started. |
EmergencyOverrideStartedInt |
string | |
UseOfRestrictedFunction |
string | Represents the use of a restricted function. |
UseOfRestrictedFunctionInt |
string | |
Login |
string | Represents a login. |
LoginInt |
string | |
Logout |
string | Represents a logout. |
LogoutInt |
string |
(constant) IdentifierReliability :string
Reliability of the identifier
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Unspecified |
string | Unspecified |
UnspecifiedInt |
string | |
Authoritative |
string | Authoritative |
AuthoritativeInt |
string | |
Informative |
string | Informative |
InformativeInt |
string |
(constant) NameComponentKeys :string
Name component type keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Delimiter |
string | The name component represents a delimeter in a name such as hyphen or space |
Family |
string | The name component represents the surname |
Given |
string | The name component represents the given name |
Prefix |
string | The name component represents the prefix such as Von or Van |
Suffix |
string | The name component represents a suffix such as III or Esq. |
Title |
string | The name component represents a formal title like Mr, Dr, Capt. |
(constant) NameUseKeys :string
Name use keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Alphabetic |
string | The name used is an alphabetic representation of the name (ex: romaji in Japanese) |
Anonymous |
string | The name is an anonymous name for the object (not the real name but a name used for care delivery) |
Artist |
string | The name represents an artist name or stage name |
Assigned |
string | The name represents an assigned name (given or bestowed by an authority) |
Ideographic |
string | THe name represents an ideographic representation of the name |
Indigenous |
string | The name is an indigenous name or tribal name for the patient |
Legal |
string | The name represents the current legal name of an object (such as a corporate name) |
License |
string | The name represents a name as displayed on a license or known to a license authority |
MaidenName |
string | THe name is a maiden name (name of a patient before marriage) |
OfficialRecord |
string | The name as it appears on an official record |
Phonetic |
string | The name represents a phonetic representation of a name such as a SOUNDEX code |
Pseudonym |
string | The name is a pseudonym for the object or an synonym name |
Religious |
string | The name is to be used for religious purposes (such as baptismal name) |
Search |
string | The name is to be used in the performing of matches only |
Soundex |
string | The name represents the computed soundex code of a name |
Syllabic |
string | The name represents a syllabic name. |
(constant) NetworkAccessPointType :string
Represents the type of network access point.
- string
Name | Type | Description |
MachineName |
string | Represents an identifier which is a machine name. |
MachineNameInt |
string | |
IPAddress |
string | Represents an identifier which is an IP address. |
IPAddressInt |
string | |
TelephoneNumber |
string | Represents an identifier which is a telephone number. |
TelephoneNumberInt |
string |
(constant) NullReasonKeys :string
In SanteDB, any concept can be replaced with a null reason. A null reason indicates why a particular field is not present rather than being null
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Unavailable |
string | The reason that the requested value was not provided is that it is not available |
NotApplicable |
string | The reason that the requested value was not provided is that it is not applicable (for example last menstrual period of a male) |
Derived |
string | The reason that the value is not provided is that it can be derived from other information |
Other |
string | The value was not provided because it does not fall within the acceptable values |
AskedUnknown |
string | The value was asked for but the target did not know that answer |
Invalid |
string | The value was entered but it is invalid according to business rules |
Trace |
string | There is a value present, but the quantity of the value is so small that it cannot be registered |
NegativeInfinity |
string | The value is not prvovided because it is negative infinity |
SufficientQuantity |
string | The exact value is not known, but there is sufficient quantity to perform an act |
UnEncoded |
string | The value is available however it cannot be encoded in the desired format |
NotAsked |
string | The value is unavailable because it was not asked for |
Unknown |
string | The value may have been asked for and was not known or is unknown (this differes from AskedUnknown) |
PositiveInfinity |
string | The value is not provided because it is positive infinity |
NoInformation |
string | The value is not provided because there is no available information |
Masked |
string | The value is available however it has been masked due to privacy concerns |
(constant) OutcomeIndicator :string
Represents potential outcomes.
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Success |
string | Successful operation. |
SuccessInt |
string | |
MinorFail |
string | Minor failure, action should be restarted. |
MinorFailInt |
string | |
SeriousFail |
string | Action was terminated. |
SeriousFailInt |
string | |
EpicFail |
string | Major failure, action is made unavailable. |
EpicFailInt |
string |
(constant) PatchOperationType :string
Represents a patch operation type
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Add |
string | Patch operation adds the specified value to the array |
AddInt |
string | |
Remove |
string | Patch operation removes the specified value from the array |
RemoveInt |
string | |
Replace |
string | Patch operation replaces the specified item at the path |
ReplaceInt |
string | |
Test |
string | Patch should test value before proceeding |
TestInt |
string |
(constant) PolicyGrantType :string
Policy grant type
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Deny |
string | Represents a policy grant type of deny. |
DenyInt |
string | |
Elevate |
string | Represnts a policy grant type of elevate. |
ElevateInt |
string | |
Grant |
string | Represents a policy grant type of grant. |
GrantInt |
string |
(constant) RelationshipClassKeys :string
Base entity relationship type keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
ReferencedObjectLink |
string | The target is referenced by the holder however the target exists as an independent object |
ContainedObjectLink |
string | The target is referenced by the holder, however the target cannot exist without the holder object (it relies on the holder to give it context) |
PrivateLink |
string | The target is referenced by the holder by a system process and should not be disclosed on non-internal APIs |
PlayedRoleLink |
string | The holder of the relationship plays the role of the target of the relationship |
AutomatedLink |
string | The linkage was automatically generated by a system process |
ConfirmedLink |
string | The linkage was confirmed by a user |
SanteDB :SanteDBWrapper
- Source:
SanteEMR :SanteEMRWrapper
- Source:
(constant) StatusKeys :string
Status concepts represent the current status of entities, acts, and concepts.
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Active |
string | When an entity or act is active, it means the information or entity is currently correct and ongoing |
Completed |
string | Indicates that an act has been completed and now represents an act in the past |
New |
string | Indicates that the data is new, and may require additional verification or actions |
Nullified |
string | Indicates that the entity or act never existed, and was entered in error |
Cancelled |
string | Indicates that the act was cancelled before being completed |
Obsolete |
string | Indicates that the entity or act did exist at one point, however the data is no long considered accurate or the most up to date |
Purged |
string | Indicates that the entity or act did exist at one point, however it no longer exists |
Inactive |
string | Indicates that the entity or act did exist at one point, however it no longer exists - and the reason is unknown |
ActiveStates |
string | States which indicate that a record is active |
InactiveStates |
string | States which indicate that a record is inactive and should not be included in results |
AllStates |
string | Any status |
(constant) SubscriptionModeType :string
The subscription modes in which a filter definition applies
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Partial |
string | Only visible when subscription mode is selected |
PartialInt |
string | |
Full |
string | Only visible when all data (no specific item) is selected |
FullInt |
string | |
FullOrPartial |
string | Always visible |
FullOrPartialInt |
string |
(constant) SubscriptionTriggerType :string
Represents synchronization pull triggers
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Never |
string | Never execute the trigger |
NeverInt |
string | |
Always |
string | Always execute the trigger |
AlwaysInt |
string | |
OnStart |
string | Only on start |
OnStartInt |
string | |
OnCommit |
string | Only on commit |
OnCommitInt |
string | |
OnStop |
string | Only on stop |
OnStopInt |
string | |
OnPush |
string | Only on push of data |
OnPushInt |
string | |
OnNetworkChange |
string | Only when the network changes |
OnNetworkChangeInt |
string | |
PeriodicPoll |
string | Periodically poll |
PeriodicPollInt |
string | |
Manual |
string | Only when manually pulling |
ManualInt |
string |
(constant) TelecomAddressTypeKeys :string
Telecommunications address use keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
Pager |
string | pager |
Telephone |
string | Telephone (can receive voice calls) |
CellularPhone |
string | Cellular phone (can receive MMS and SMS) |
Modem |
string | Modem (can be dialed into) |
FaxMachine |
string | Fax machine (can receive fax data) |
Internet |
string | Internet address (can receive SMTP e-mail) |
(constant) TelecomAddressUseKeys :string
Telecommunications address use keys
- string
Name | Type | Description |
PrimaryHome |
string | Primary home |
AnsweringService |
string | answering service |
EmergencyContact |
string | Emergency contact |
MobileContact |
string | Mobile phone contact |
Pager |
string | pager |
Public |
string | public (800 number example) contact |
TemporaryAddress |
string | temporary contact |
WorkPlace |
string | For use in the workplace |
Name | Type | Description |
hdsi |
SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper | Reference to the configured Health Data Service Interface helper |
ami |
SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper | Reference to the configured Administration Management Interface helper |
auth |
SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper | Reference to the configured Authentication API |
app |
SanteDBWrapper.APIWrapper | Reference to the configured Application API |
- Source:
initiateChallengeFlowAsync(userName, upstream) → {Promise}
Name | Type | Description |
userName |
string | The name of the user to initiate the flow for |
upstream |
bool | When true contact the upstream |
- Source:
- Type
- Promise
parseJwt(jwtData) → {Object}
Parses a JWT token data into a JSON object
Name | Type | Description |
jwtData |
string | The JWT data (typically from an id_token) |
- Source:
- Type
- Object