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ActMoodConceptKey Property

The mood (or mode) of the Act instance

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.Model.Acts
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Model (in SanteDB.Core.Model.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public virtual Guid? MoodConceptKey { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: NullableGuid

In SanteDB, a mood of an act describes the mode of that act. The mood of the act classifies whether the act did occur, is intended to occur, is requested to occur or proposed. Mood codes may include:

  • Event Occurence - The ACT did or did not occur (i.e. the patient presented and the data represents the outcome of that encounter)
  • Proposed - The ACT exists because a computerized process proposed that the act occur
  • Request - The ACT represents a request by a human to perform the action provided
  • Intent - The ACT has not yet occurred, however a human has indicated their intent to perform the act at a future date (i.e. appointment)
  • Goal - The ACT represents a goal rather than something that has, or will occur. A goal act is used to store goals in care plans
See Also