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Act Class

Represents the base class for an act (something which is done or actioned on)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.Model.Acts
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Model (in SanteDB.Core.Model.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public class Act : VersionedEntityData<Act>, ITaggable, 
	ISecurable, IExtendable, IIdentifiedEntity, IHasClassConcept, IHasState, 
	IGeoTagged, IHasTemplate, IHasIdentifiers, IHasRelationships

The Act type exposes the following members.

Public methodAct
Constructor for ACT
Public propertyActTime
The instant when the act occurred, or will occur
Public propertyActTimeXml
The moment in time that this act occurred in ISO format
Public propertyBatchOperation
Gets or sets the operation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyClassConcept
Gets the delay-loaded value of the ClassConceptKey
Public propertyClassConceptKey
The classification key of the activity
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets or sets the user that created this base data
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyCreatedByKey
Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the creation of this object
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyCreationTime
Gets or sets the time at which the data was created
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyCreationTimeXml
Gets or sets the creation time as an ISO date format
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyExtensions
Gets a list of all extensions associated with the act
Public propertyGeoTag
Gets or sets the geo-tag
Public propertyIdentifiers
Identifiers by which this act is known
Public propertyIsDelayLoadEnabled
True if the class is currently loading associations when accessed
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyIsNegated
Identifies whether the act represented in this instance actually occurred
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the primary identifying UUID of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyLoadState
Gets or sets whether the object was partial loaded
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyModifiedOn
Gets the time that the object was last modified (from base data, default to CreationTime)
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyMoodConcept
Gets the delay-loaded value of the MoodConceptKey property
Public propertyMoodConceptKey
The mood (or mode) of the Act instance
Public propertyNotes
Gets a list of all notes associated with the act
Public propertyObsoletedBy
Gets or sets the user that obsoleted this base data
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyObsoletedByKey
Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the obsoletion of this data
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyObsoletionTime
Gets or sets the time when the data is or will become invalid
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyObsoletionTimeXml
Gets or sets the time that the data is no longer valid (was deleted/obsoleted) in ISO format
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyParticipations
Gets or sets the entities and participations they play in the act
Public propertyPolicies
Gets or sets the security policy instances associated with the act
Public propertyPreviousVersionKey
Gets or sets the UUID of the previous version of this record
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public propertyProtocols
Identifies protocols attached to the act
Public propertyReasonConcept
Delay loads the concept from ReasonConceptKey
Public propertyReasonConceptKey
Identifies a codified reason as to why this act did (or did not, or should or should not) occur.
Public propertyRelationships
Gets a list of all associated acts for this act
Public propertyStartTime
The date/time when the act started to occur
Public propertyStartTimeXml
The time when the act should or did start ocurring in ISO format
Public propertyStatusConcept
Delay loads the concept represented in StatusConceptKey
Public propertyStatusConceptKey
The concept which describes the current status of the act
Public propertyStopTime
The time and date when the act did or should stop occurring
Public propertyStopTimeXml
The time when the act should or did stop ocurring in ISO format
Public propertyTag
Override the ETag
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public propertyTags
Gets a list of all tags associated with the act
Public propertyCode exampleTemplate
Delay load property for the template
Public propertyTemplateKey
The template on which the act is based
Public propertyType
Gets the type registration of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyTypeConcept
Delay loads the concept represented in TypeConceptKey
Public propertyTypeConceptKey
Gets or sets the key of the concept which further classifies the type of act occurring
Public propertyVersionKey
Gets or sets the UUID of the current version of this object
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public propertyVersionSequence
The sequence number of the version (for ordering)
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public methodAddAnnotation
Add an annotated object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodAddExtension
Add the specified extension type to the collection
Public methodAddPolicy
Add a policy to this act
Public methodAddTag
Add a tag to this act
Public methodClone
Clone this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodCopy
Copies the entity
Public methodCopyAnnotations
Copy annotations from another resource
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodDeepCopy
Provide a deep copy of the specified data
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Protected methodDelayLoadTEntity
Get associated entity
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAnnotationsT
Get annotations of specified T
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLocked
Clone the specified data
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodGetPreviousVersion
Gets the previous version or loads it from the database if needed
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public methodGetTag
Get the specified tag
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasPolicy
Determines if the object has policy
Public methodIsEmpty
Determines w
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveAllTags
Remove tags matching predicate from the tag collection
Public methodRemoveAnnotation
Remove annotation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodRemoveExtension
Remove the specified extension
Public methodRemoveTag
Remove tagKey from the tag collection
Public methodSemanticEquals
Semantic equality function
(Overrides IdentifiedDataSemanticEquals(Object).)
Public methodSetPreviousVersion
Sets the previous version
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public methodShouldSerializeBatchOperation
Should serialize batch operation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeCreatedByKey
True if key should be serialized
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeExtensions
Should serialize extensions?
Public methodShouldSerializeIdentifiers
Should serialize identifiers
Public methodShouldSerializeKey
True if key should be serialized
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeModifiedOn
Never serialize modified on
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeNotes
Should serialize notes
Public methodShouldSerializeObsoletedByKey
True if key should be serialized
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeParticipations
Should serialize participations
Public methodShouldSerializePolicies
Should serialize policies
Public methodShouldSerializePreviousVersionKey
Should serialize previous version?
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public methodShouldSerializeProtocols
Should serialize protocols
Public methodShouldSerializeReasonConceptKey
True if reason concept key should be serialized
Public methodShouldSerializeRelationships
Should serialize relationships?
Public methodShouldSerializeTags
Should serialize tags
Public methodShouldSerializeTemplateKey
Should serialize template key
Public methodToDisplay
To display value
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodToString
Represent the versioned data as a string
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public methodTryGetTag
Try to fetch the tag
Protected fieldm_annotations
A list of custom tags which were added to this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodConvertTReturn
The purpose of this method is to convert object me to TReturn. Why? Because if you have an instance of Act that actually needs to be a SubstanceAdministration we can't just cast so we have to copy.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodCreateExtensions
Runs all registered extensions on the object
(Defined by ExtensionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetIdentifiers
Gets or loads identifiers
(Defined by DelayLoadUtils.)
Public Extension MethodGetInstanceOfTDomain
Gets an instance of TDomain from me
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetParticipations
Gets or loads participations
(Defined by DelayLoadUtils.)
Public Extension MethodGetRelationships
Gets or loads relationships
(Defined by DelayLoadUtils.)
Public Extension MethodLoadCollectionTReturn
Delay load property
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodLoadProperty(String, Boolean)Overloaded.
Delay load property
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodLoadPropertyTReturn(String, Boolean)Overloaded.
Delay load property
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodTryGetExisting
Try get by classifier
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUpdateParentKeys (Defined by ModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWasLoaded
Returns true if the property has been loaded
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)

An Act, in the context of the reference information model (RIM) represents something that is done to a patient. More precisely, an Act is anything that occurs involving entities in which the entity's state is changed or is documented.

Examples of Acts Include:

  • SubstanceAdministration - The administration of a substance to a patient
  • Observation - The observing of a value for the patient
  • PatientEncounter - An encounter or visit that occurs where the patient receives one or more services
  • Act - Any other action such as supply request, or problem recordation

The property which classifies what specific type of action an act represents is its ClassConceptKey, which indicates whether the act is an observation, substance administration, etc. Class concept keys can be found in the ActClassKeys constants declaration.

Furthermore, the Act structure is used to represent events, proposals, requests, goals, etc. That is to say, the Act structure can represent the request to do an act, the intent to perform an act, or the actual act being performed itself. This classification of mode happens based on the MoodConceptKey mood concept. Mood concept keys can be found on the ActMoodKeys structure.

Acts may also be further classified by their TypeConceptKey. The TypeConceptKey is an implementation specific value which is used by implementers to determine whether a particular act (for example, a Observation) was an observation of weight, of height, etc.

See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy