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AssociationTSourceType Properties

The AssociationTSourceType generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBatchOperation
Gets or sets the operation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyIsDelayLoadEnabled
True if the class is currently loading associations when accessed
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the primary identifying UUID of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyLoadState
Gets or sets whether the object was partial loaded
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyModifiedOn
Get the modification date
(Overrides IdentifiedDataModifiedOn.)
Public propertySourceEntity
The entity that this relationship targets
Public propertySourceEntityKey
Gets or sets the source entity's key (where the relationship is FROM)
Public propertySourceType
Gets the source type
Public propertyTag
Gets a tag which changes whenever the object is updated
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyType
Gets the type registration of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
See Also