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IQueryPersistenceService Interface

Defines a service which can store the results of a query for later retrieval

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.Services
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Api (in SanteDB.Core.Api.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public interface IQueryPersistenceService : IServiceImplementation

The IQueryPersistenceService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyServiceName
Gets the service name
(Inherited from IServiceImplementation.)
Public methodAddResults
Adds more results to an already registered stateful query
Public methodFindQueryId
Locate the stateful query identifier using the tag which was attached to the query
Public methodGetQueryResults
Retrieves the result keys located between offset and offset+count in the stateful query provider
Public methodGetQueryTag
Retrieves the query tag stored when the query was registered, for the specified queryId
Public methodIsRegistered
Returns true if the query identifier has been registered
Public methodQueryResultTotalQuantity
Count the number of query results which have been registered for queryId
Public methodRegisterQuerySet
Registers a new query result set with the stateful query provider
Public methodSetQueryTag
Adds or changes the query tag on queryId to value

When implementing query on a shared infrastructure such as the SanteDB iCDR or dCDR, it is important that consistent result sets be returned. This is important not only for user interfaces, but is vital to consistent synchronization across devices.

There are several reasons we keep stateful query result sets in SanteDB:

  • User interfaces will have consistent pages, so results don't magically "appear" between paging results
  • Synchronization processes have a consistent paging result set as they download data
  • The heavy initial query is done only once and results are merely accessed afterwards

Implementers of this service should ensure that whatever technology they are using to store queries have the capability of expiration (i.e. queries are not stateful indefinitely), support the rapid read and update of result sets, and are cabable of being aborted/abandoned.

See Also