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SanteDB.Core.Services Namespace

Public classApiServiceProviderAttribute
Represents a service provider which is for an API
Public classBaseBusinessRulesService<TModel>
Represents a business rules service with no behavior, but intended to help in the implementation of another business rules service
Public classBusinessRulesExtensions
Business rule extensions
Public classDataCacheEventArgs
Data caching event arguments
Public classMessageInfo
Message information
Public classProgressChangedEventArgs
Event arguments for process changing event
Public classRecordMergeResult
Represents a record merging result
Public classRepositoryEventArgs<TModel>
Represents event args fired at the repository level
Public classServiceProviderAttribute
Identifies the manner in which a service is executed
Public classSessionEstablishedEventArgs
Event arguments for session establishment
Public structureComponentAlias
Represents a component alias
Public structureNetworkInterfaceInfo
Represents network interface information
Public interfaceCode exampleIAdhocCacheService
Defines a service which can store commonly used objects in a transient cache
Public interfaceIAliasProvider
Provider for name and place aliasing
Public interfaceIAssigningAuthorityRepositoryService
Represents a repository service for managing assigning authorities.
Public interfaceIAuditDispatchService
Represents a service that dispatches audits to a central repository
Public interfaceIBarcodeProviderService
Represents a barcode generator (QR, CODE39, etc.) which generates visual pointers to provided data
Public interfaceIBulkDataPersistenceService
Represents a data persisetence service that can handle bulk operations
Public interfaceIBusinessRulesService
Represents a generic interface for business rules services
Public interfaceIBusinessRulesService<TModel>
Represents a service that executes business rules based on triggers which happen in the IRepositoryService layer
Public interfaceICancelRepositoryService<TModel>
Represents a repository that can cancel an Act that is in progress
Public interfaceICarePlanService
Service contract for service implementations which generate CarePlan instances
Public interfaceIClinicalProtocolRepositoryService
Contract for service implementations which store and manage definitions of Protocol
Public interfaceIConceptRepositoryService
Represents a service which is responsible for the maintenance of concepts.
Public interfaceIConfigurationManager
Contract for service implementations that manage the core SanteDB configuration
Public interfaceCode exampleIDaemonService
Public interfaceIDataArchiveService
Service contract for data archival and purging
Public interfaceIDataCachingService
Defines a service which can be used by callers to store full IdentifiedData RIM objects in a transient cache.
Public interfaceIDataPersistenceService
Non-generic form of the data persistene service
Public interfaceIDataPersistenceService<TData>
Represents a data persistence service which is capable of storing and retrieving data to/from a data store
Public interfaceIDataPersistenceServiceEx
Extended data persistence service
Public interfaceIDataPersistenceServiceEx<TModel>
Generic interface implementation
Public interfaceIExtensionTypeRepository
Represents the extension type repository
Public interfaceIFastQueryDataPersistenceService<TEntity>
Data persistence service lean mode
Public interfaceIFastQueryRepositoryService<TEntity>
Represents a query repository service which can find lean queries
Public interfaceIFreetextSearchService
Contract which defines free-text search functionality
Public interfaceILocalizationService
Interface which provides localization functions
Public interfaceIMailMessageRepositoryService
Represents an alerting service.
Public interfaceIMessagePersistenceService
Identifies a service which maintains a log of messages received to ensure that actions are only processed once
Public interfaceINetworkInformationService
Represents network information service
Public interfaceINotifyRepositoryService<TModel>
A IRepositoryService which can notify other classes of changes to data
Public interfaceIOperatingSystemInfoService
Operating system information service
Public interfaceIPatchService
Represents a patch service which can calculate and apply patches
Public interfaceIPersistableQueryRepositoryService<TEntity>
Persistable query provider is an extensable interface which can perform a query with state
Public interfaceIQueryPersistenceService
Defines a service which can store the results of a query for later retrieval
Public interfaceIQueryResultScore<T>
An interface which describes a query result score
Public interfaceIQueryScoringService
Represents a service that can score queries
Public interfaceIRecordMergingService
Record merging service
Public interfaceIRecordMergingService<T>
Represents a service which appropriately merges / unmerges records
Public interfaceIReportProgressChanged
Defines a class that can report progress has changed over a long running process
Public interfaceIRepositoryService
Repository service
Public interfaceIRepositoryService<TModel>
Represents a repository service
Public interfaceIRepositoryServiceEx<TModel>
Represents a IRepositoryService service which has extended functionality
Public interfaceIResourceCheckoutService
A resource locking service
Public interfaceIResourcePointerService
Represents a service which is tasked with generating verified pointers to data
Public interfaceISecuredRepositoryService
Represents a repository service that applies permission
Public interfaceISecurityRepositoryService
Security repository service is responsible for the maintenance of security entities
Public interfaceIServiceFactory
Represents a service factory which is capable of creating services
Public interfaceIServiceImplementation
Defines a basic marker class for all service implementations
Public interfaceIServiceManager
Represents a service manager
Public interfaceISessionIdentityProviderService
Represents a session identity service that can provide identities
Public interfaceISessionProviderService
Represents a service which is responsible for the storage and retrieval of sessions
Public interfaceISqlDataPersistenceService
Represents a data persistence service where arbitrary SQL can be run
Public interfaceIStockManagementRepositoryService
Represents a stock management repository service.
Public interfaceIStoredQueryDataPersistenceService<TEntity>
Represents a data persistence provider that can store and continue queries
Public interfaceISubscriptionExecutor
Contract which defines a dCDR subscription executor
Public interfaceISubscriptionRepository
Represents a repository which maintains subscription definitions
Public interfaceITagPersistenceService
Taggable persistence service
Public interfaceITemplateDefinitionRepositoryService
Represents a repository which deals with metadata such as assigning authorities, concept classes, etc.
Public interfaceIThreadPoolService
Represents a thread pooling service
Public interfaceIUnionQueryDataPersistenceService<TEntity>
Represents a data persistence provider that can store and continue queries
Public interfaceIValidatingRepositoryService<TModel>
Represents a repository that can validate
Public enumerationMessageState
Identifies the status of a message
Public enumerationRecordMergeStatus
Record merge statuys
Public enumerationServiceInstantiationType
Service instantiation type
Public enumerationTransactionMode
Data persistence modes