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ISubscriptionRepository Interface

Represents a repository which maintains subscription definitions

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.Services
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Api (in SanteDB.Core.Api.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public interface ISubscriptionRepository : IRepositoryService<SubscriptionDefinition>, 

The ISubscriptionRepository type exposes the following members.

Public propertyServiceName
Gets the service name
(Inherited from IServiceImplementation.)
Public methodFind(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean)
Finds the specified data where the current version matches the query provided
(Inherited from IRepositoryServiceTModel.)
Public methodFind(ExpressionFuncTModel, Boolean, Int32, NullableInt32, Int32, ModelSortTModel)
Finds the specified data with the specified control parameters
(Inherited from IRepositoryServiceTModel.)
Public methodGet(Guid)
Gets the specified model data
(Inherited from IRepositoryServiceTModel.)
Public methodGet(Guid, Guid)
Gets the specified model data at the specified version
(Inherited from IRepositoryServiceTModel.)
Public methodInsert
Inserts the specified model information
(Inherited from IRepositoryServiceTModel.)
Public methodObsolete
Obsoletes the specified object
(Inherited from IRepositoryServiceTModel.)
Public methodSave
Inserts or updates the specified data
(Inherited from IRepositoryServiceTModel.)

This service is used to maintain instances of SubscriptionDefinition which contain SQL (or other query grammar) to allow dCDR instances to easily query data on the HDSI interface using the _subscription parameter. The HDSI maps the subscription ID with the local data provider and then executes the appopriate query against the persistence layer to ensure fast synchronization of new data.

See Also