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Bundle Class

A bundle represents a batch of objects which are included within the bundle
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SanteDB.Core.Model.Collection
Assembly:  SanteDB.Core.Model (in SanteDB.Core.Model.dll) Version: 2.2.1
public class Bundle : IdentifiedData, IResourceCollection

The Bundle type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBatchOperation
Gets or sets the operation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyCount
Gets or sets the count in this bundle
Public propertyFocalObjects
Entry into the bundle
Public propertyIsDelayLoadEnabled
True if the class is currently loading associations when accessed
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets items in the bundle
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the primary identifying UUID of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyLoadState
Gets or sets whether the object was partial loaded
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyModifiedOn
Gets the time the bundle was modified
(Overrides IdentifiedDataModifiedOn.)
Public propertyOffset
Gets or sets the count in this bundle
Public propertyTag
Gets a tag which changes whenever the object is updated
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyTotalResults
Gets or sets the total results
Public propertyType
Gets the type registration of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodAdd
Add item to the bundle
Public methodAddAnnotation
Add an annotated object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodAddAnnotationToAll
Add annotation
Public methodAddRange
Add range of items
Public methodClone
Clone this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodCopyAnnotations
Copy annotations from another resource
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodStatic memberCreateBundle(IdentifiedData, Boolean)
Create a bundle
Public methodStatic memberCreateBundle(IEnumerableIdentifiedData, Int32, Int32)
Create a bundle
Public methodDeepCopy
Provide a deep copy of the specified data
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Protected methodDelayLoadTEntity
Get associated entity
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAnnotationsT
Get annotations of specified T
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodGetFocalItems
Gets from the item set only those items which are results
Public methodGetFocalObject
Gets the single focal object for this object
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLocked
Clone the specified data
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasTag
True if the bundle has a tag
Public methodInsert
Insert data at the specified index
Public methodIsEmpty
Determines w
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberProcessModel
Packages the objects into a bundle
Public methodReconstitute
Reconstitutes the bundle (takes the flat reference structures and fills them out into proper object references)
Public methodRemove
Remove the specified keyed object
Public methodRemoveAnnotation
Remove annotation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodSemanticEquals
Determines the semantic equality of this object an obj
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeBatchOperation
Should serialize batch operation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeKey
True if key should be serialized
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodShouldSerializeModifiedOn
Never serialize modified on
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodToDisplay
To display value
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected fieldm_annotations
A list of custom tags which were added to this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodConvertTReturn
The purpose of this method is to convert object me to TReturn. Why? Because if you have an instance of Act that actually needs to be a SubstanceAdministration we can't just cast so we have to copy.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodGetInstanceOfTDomain
Gets an instance of TDomain from me
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)
See Also