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Place Properties

The Place type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddresses
Gets a list of all addresses associated with the entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyBatchOperation
Gets or sets the operation
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyClassConcept
Class concept datal load property
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyClassConceptKey
Gets or sets the class concept key
(Overrides EntityClassConceptKey.)
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets or sets the user that created this base data
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyCreatedByKey
Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the creation of this object
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyCreationAct
Creation act reference
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyCreationActKey
Creation act reference
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyCreationTime
Gets or sets the time at which the data was created
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyCreationTimeXml
Gets or sets the creation time as an ISO date format
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyDeterminerConcept
Determiner concept
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyDeterminerConceptKey
Determiner concept
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyExtensions
Gets a list of all extensions associated with the entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyGeoTag
Gets the geographic tag
Public propertyIdentifiers
Gets the identifiers associated with this entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsDelayLoadEnabled
True if the class is currently loading associations when accessed
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyIsMobile
True if location is mobile
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the primary identifying UUID of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyLat Obsolete.
Gets or sets the latitude
Public propertyLng Obsolete.
Gets or sets the longitude
Public propertyLoadState
Gets or sets whether the object was partial loaded
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyModifiedOn
Gets the time that the object was last modified (from base data, default to CreationTime)
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyNames
Gets a list of all names associated with the entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyNotes
Gets a list of all notes associated with the entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyObsoletedBy
Gets or sets the user that obsoleted this base data
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyObsoletedByKey
Gets or sets the security provenance object which represents the obsoletion of this data
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyObsoletionTime
Gets or sets the time when the data is or will become invalid
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyObsoletionTimeXml
Gets or sets the time that the data is no longer valid (was deleted/obsoleted) in ISO format
(Inherited from BaseEntityData.)
Public propertyParticipations
Gets the acts in which this entity participates
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyPolicies
Gets or sets the security policy instances associated with the entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyPreviousVersionKey
Gets or sets the UUID of the previous version of this record
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public propertyRelationships
Gets a list of all associated entities for this entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyServices
Gets the services
Public propertyStatusConcept
Status concept id
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyStatusConceptKey
Status concept id
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyTag
Override the ETag
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public propertyTags
Gets a list of all tags associated with the entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyTelecoms
Gets a list of all telecommunications addresses associated with the entity
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyTemplate
Gets or sets the template definition
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyTemplateKey
Gets the template key
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyType
Gets the type registration of this object
(Inherited from IdentifiedData.)
Public propertyTypeConcept
Type concept identifier
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyTypeConceptKey
Type concept identifier
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyVersionKey
Gets or sets the UUID of the current version of this object
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
Public propertyVersionSequence
The sequence number of the version (for ordering)
(Inherited from VersionedEntityDataTHistoryModelType.)
See Also